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    AaronNGray reacted to Gunjan Gupta in worked im for Banana Pi M3   
    Yeah response was based on me being confused from the overall message. I hope there is not hard feeling over it either
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    AaronNGray reacted to going in worked im for Banana Pi M3   
    @Gunjan Gupta I apologize. The machine translator wrote changing the meaning. 
    It should be tested by someone who has these boards. First of all, it's me.
    I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just thinking. I will not make the decisions to do this or that.
    My thoughts on the code:
    function post_config_uboot_target__extra_configs_for_bananapipro() { display_alert "$BOARD" "set dram clock" "info" run_host_command_logged scripts/config --set-val CONFIG_DRAM_CLK "384" } I didn't see the difference in the names bananapipro and bananapim3.
    I'm sorry, the glasses are on my nose.
    But that doesn't change the point. The user will only see the message:
    bananapipro set dram clock
    What if he added his own custom patch? Does the build system allow the user to add patches today?
    Maybe give the user the opportunity to set the value of this variable? For example:
    UBOOT_CONFIG_DRAM_CLK="${UBOOT_CONFIG_DRAM_CLK:-384}" function post_config_uboot_target__extra_configs_for_bananapipro() { display_alert "$BOARD" "set dram clock to $UBOOT_CONFIG_DRAM_CLK" "info" run_host_command_logged scripts/config --set-val CONFIG_DRAM_CLK "$UBOOT_CONFIG_DRAM_CLK" } Please don't listen to my grumbling, but do as you see fit.
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    AaronNGray got a reaction from going in worked im for Banana Pi M3   
    @going Armbian_23.10_Bananapim3_bookworm_edge_6.4.10_minimal - boots and expands fine, the caps lock light works as well now ! reboots fine. sudo apt-get update works,  sudo apt-get upgrade works, and reboots.
    Armbian_community_24.2.0-trunk.449_Bananapim3_bookworm_current_6.6.13 - boots and expands fine, caps lock light works. sudo reboot now, shuts down, and fails on reboot, power down/up reboot fails too. Attached logs
    kern.log syslog system@11efa2ed424246fabfc13bc624702e97-0000000000000001-00060fba61d3372c.journal
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    AaronNGray reacted to going in worked im for Banana Pi M3   
    @Tu Hu Until we do the verification, you can use my image. It was created in my version of the build system.
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    AaronNGray reacted to Staars in Proof of concept - Realtek 1295   
    I can not answer your question, but in the last few weeks there has been a lot of activity on lkml.org regarding the realtek-platform.
    Basically „the pro‘s have taken over“ and this is the best thing, that could have happened. I think it is a smart move from realtek to go the „mainline-route“, as it will make their and our lives much easier in the future.
    But now we need some patience, because every effort outside of the kernel-development is (IMHO) wasted time.
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