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  1. Hi all, what's the current state? Is GPIO supported "out-of-the-box" installing armbian? I'm searching for a GPIO enabled raspi-like with EMMC onboard and BPI M4 zero check that box. Don't need HDMI. ty
  2. So I went out of the armbian world I suppose... how to get back?
  3. I don't know how I ended up with Lunar installed on my OPI0. I did a do-release-upgrade because it was suggesting to run this command to upgrade to the next version. I launched it and now I have Lunar installed: cat /etc/issue Armbian 23.8.1 lunar \l uname -r 6.1.63-current-sunxi Now logging in is saying this: Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore. For upgrade information, please visit: http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife New release '23.10' available. Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it. I'm sorry I'm a little bit out of the know of the Armbian flow and sometimes I'm surprised while maintaining my armbian machine updated. Am I on a wrong path? thank you
  4. I was using the orange pi naming convention https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ohxfoxWJ0sv8yEHbrXL1Bu2RkBhuCMup they call "desktop" and "server" version, for "server" being the headless one. I'm using it headless (server ) for 3d printing with octoprint and ... wifi
  5. is there any hope for this? this seems a very promising board that can be used both server only or cli with the micro hdmi output. I have one and it's super incredibly power efficient, 1-2 watt, quite cool. Without wifi is impossible to use it. Any way to help?
  6. red led is ok, you have to wait 3-5 solid minutes. ethernet cable connected, check on your router which ip is assigned. ssh root 1234
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