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    tim.mcnutt.96 reacted to Igor in Imagewriter does not work in Win7 does not see drives.   
    It should go exactly like this:
    1. root
    2. 1234
    3. 1234
    4. your_root_password
    5. your_root_password
    6. your_username
    7. user_password
    8. user_password
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    tim.mcnutt.96 got a reaction from WarHawk_AVG in Orange pi pc install   
    Thank you for your time Igor! I figured it out (noob). Desktop is a little out of the border on the hdmi screen. Using sudo h3disp -m 5. Desktop looks pretty cool!
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
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    tim.mcnutt.96 reacted to Igor in Need help on Pine A64, 64bit Quad Core 1.2GHz Single board computer   
    General public is easy to mislead to backup the project - general public aka kick-starter community is dumb as hell. It's all about marketing. SBC's are still hot stuff and hardware development become ridiculous cheap so it's a great way to make money.
    As I see you already made it to persuade investors. Why bother developers community, where you don't intent to invest more then few free boards here and there and use our channels for free marketing? BTW: You can run your marketing campaign on your own website or wherever but here you need to ask for permission. I hate ads.
    Even before your boards become stable (to be used by professionals which is stated in your first line of your marketing appeal) you will probably restart the whole thing with a "new and better" board and hope to catch as many backers as possible. All board manufacturers are using community's current and future contribution in their business models and everyone want's to become next RPi in numbers. This is the only way you don't need to pledge anyone. Until then, we control the game.
    Free sample? I have a bunch of boards and so do other people who develop and contribute. I don't even think to support your boards without paradigm change toward community. You collected the money for our work and you kept it. What the f*?
    You are an engineer. It's is not your fault nor responsibility to think about this in such way. Don't take it personally either.
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