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Werner's post in armbianmonitor -u broken? was marked as the answer
Yes, something doesnt work well there. In the mean time try this:
code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } PASTE_SERVER_HOST=paste.armbian.de armbianmonitor -u
Werner's post in NanoPC T6 USB3 not working was marked as the answer
mainline support for rk3588 isn't complete yet.
I suggest to try vendor 6.1.y kernel based image.
Werner's post in Package Upgrade for armbian-config was marked as the answer
Known issue
Werner's post in Automatic boot of Orange Pi 5 Plus on Power On was marked as the answer
I am not aware that this can or needs to be setup in any way. I just boots up when power is connected. I did not test with microsd (I use SPI/NVMe) but I assume it works the same way.
Werner's post in is it just me or that all of the download links and torrent links are broken on the website? was marked as the answer
Just tried the two images under Standard Support button and download works just fine.
You can also check directly on mirror: https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/dl/orangepi5-plus/archive/
Werner's post in deleted all home files - profile/bashrc issues - possible to re-create user? was marked as the answer
Defaults are in /etc/skel
Werner's post in How does armbian recompile uboot and kernel? was marked as the answer
this is not how it works. Any changes you do to the source cache are void once build starts to ensure they are clean.
For customizing the config I suggest to either use code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } KERNEL_CONFIGURE=yes so you will be asked for modifications or use code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } kernel-config code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; build command to output a custom kernel config file without building.
For modifying the sources use code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } kernel-patch or boot-patch commands. This will pause the process once all given patches were applied and asks you to do modifications to the source (from a different terminal window or whatever method you'd prefer). When being done it will compare and create proper patch files from your modifications.
This and more you can read in the docs: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Overview/
Werner's post in Boot fails after NVMe/SPI install was marked as the answer
armbian-install issue.
The contents of /boot were not copied over. After doing so and adjust UUID it boots just fine.
Werner's post in Enable I2C7_M3 and SPI0_M2 was marked as the answer
It helps to tell you to try vendor kernel instead of mainline ("edge"). The support for the rk3588 in latter is still under heavy development and lots of stuff is still WIP and therefore missing.
Werner's post in Incorrect armbian version on welcome screen after update was marked as the answer
Try this:
Remove armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi5-plus-legacy and install armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi5-plus-vendor
legacy is deprecated
Werner's post in ap6275p on 6.10 image? was marked as the answer
Mainline support for rk3588 is far from being feature-complete. 6.10 was moved to current because basic functionality is given and to make room for 6.11 which for once comes with more stuff (maybe ap.... is already there? try edge) mainlined and also might become next LTS kernel.
If you need most features to work you have to use vendor kernel for now.
Also you can try to port this overlay to mainline: https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/blob/rk-6.1-rkr3/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/overlay/orangepi-5-ap6275p.dts
Werner's post in Building armbian question was marked as the answer
moved. neither a tutorial nor a review.
Check if the user you are using has permission to use docker (usermod -aG docker yourusername)
Alternatively use PREFER_DOCKER=no
Werner's post in How to download armbian games? was marked as the answer
Werner's post in May I ask where to add and place the background image?? was marked as the answer
There is no simple way to do this. Look at the code and modify. Start looking here: https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/dd6300d4cce9056eb5efa16ce3b656c16734bbe7/packages/plymouth-theme-armbian
Gnome DE config is here: https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/main/config/desktop/common/environments/gnome
If this is too complicated for you I suggest to book professional consultation: https://calendly.com/armbian/consultation
Werner's post in I created a deb package for my own application. How do I import it for compilation and installation? was marked as the answer
Simply put something like code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } dpkg -i /tmp/overlay/yourawesomeapplication.deb in there and it will be executed close to the end of the build process.
Werner's post in CAN NOT USE SERIAL(UART) PORT FOR FOR BANANAPI R2 PRO was marked as the answer
Werner's post in OrangePi Zero old releases was marked as the answer
There is no dedicated record for this, yes. But you can check for file extension changes on specific board configuration files in the commits like:https://github.com/armbian/build/commits/main/config/boards/orangepizero.csc
Werner's post in Orange Pi 5 Max is missing was marked as the answer
Tag will be added once this board was introduced in the build framework.
Section is only for boards that suffice standard support criteria.
Werner's post in Proper Ubuntu Noble Gnome image for NanoPI R4S was marked as the answer
Werner's post in Today, khadas edge2 keeps compiling with errors!!!!! was marked as the answer
Yes this is some generic issue. We're still investigating.
Since this is an issue with the build framework please refer to the proper bug report here: https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/7054
Werner's post in Armbian doesnt seem to see sata harddrives. was marked as the answer
Logs excerpts are usually useless. Provide logs as suggested from the build output:
Try to build from main instread (I assume you tried 24.05 branch)
Werner's post in Orange Pi 5 Pro - USB 3.0 not working / Linux orangepi5pro 6.1.75 was marked as the answer
Werner's post in Big minimal image was marked as the answer
Pre-made images for download are compressed while building an image by yourself is not by default.
use xz to compress it and you should get to your desired ~250M
Werner's post in Why use Armbian when Ubuntu works on ARM? was marked as the answer