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Da Xue

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Posts posted by Da Xue

  1. So the issue is in the dwmac u-boot driver. Leaving it on in u-boot and it will corrupt memory somewhere between 1GB and 2GB. Disabling dwmac fixes it but you also have to add phy initialization code to Linux driver.

  2. On 6/13/2021 at 11:39 AM, RussianNeuroMancer said:

    Xorg does not start on both of buster and focal xfce images. I didn't investigated this further because it was easier to install vanilla-gnome-desktop and vanilla-gnome-default-settings on focal image.


    Ethernet cable detection issue (that is discussed here) is still reproducible with uboot 2021.04, as it was with uboot 2020.10 (same workaround still applies).


    Another problem I noticed is not working HDMI Audio (unless I missing something). Yes, I tried to tinker around alsamixer and codec's i2s/pcm/spdif options, as well as boost levels, but this doesn't change anything. Is anyone got HDMI audio working on this board with Armbian images?



    Tried this workaround but it does not help. Any other ideas?


    We are working with Amlogic and BayLibre to get to the root of the ethernet issues on mainline for Amlogic chips. We should have a resolution soon. One was caused by double poking a register in Designware's IP. There's a secondary issue we are looking into.

  3. @RussianNeuroMancer I didn't see this thread or I would have checked it out. This has to do with the delay in mmc initialization. Sometimes it's too fast and something hasn't stabilized. One method to delay it is to enable SPL debug. I have SD cards that just refuse to work but work flawlessly when I turn on debug. There's a delay somewhere that's missing in the u-boot code.


    In sunxi_mmc.c sunxi_mmc_core_init, you need to raise the udelay to 5ms or 10ms. I didn't do extensive testing but it fixes nearly all mmc problems.

  4. On 8/9/2021 at 1:17 AM, nbe1233 said:

    On the AML-S905X-CC (Le Potato) how does one use the gpio uart headers. In dmesg I see that ttyAML0 is a serial port. Is ttyAML0 the gpio uart headers?

    ttyAML0 is on header 2J1 and it's by default the debug UART


    You can enable additional UARTs by download this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libre-computer-project/libretech-overlays/for-4.13.y/overlays/meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc-uarta.dts and using armbian-add-overlays.


    UART A is on pin 8 and 10. See the header reference: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U3z0Gb8HUEfCIMkvqzmhMpJfzRqjPXq7mFLC-hvbKlE/edit?usp=sharing

  5. @N6MQD



    You have to do the following: 

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libre-computer-project/libretech-overlays/for-4.13.y/overlays/meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc-i2c-ao.dts

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libre-computer-project/libretech-overlays/for-4.13.y/overlays/meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc-ds3231-i2c-ao.dts

    sudo armbian-add-overlay meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc-i2c-ao.dts

    sudo armbian-add-overlay meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc-ds3231-i2c-ao.dts


    Try running `i2cdetect -y 0` first to make sure that the SDA/SCK doesn't need a pull up resistor. If it does, connect 2 4K pull up from 3.3V to SDA and SCK.


    You know you need a pull up if i2cdetect shows every address or many addresses that aren't on the bus. 

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