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  1. Thank you for your reply. I followed all(hopefully) links in the thread you provided, but could not find any information regarding the issue which I put on the table here. To me it seems that all development and discussion regarding log rotation has been focused on proper synchronization to/from zram and armbian-truncate-logs - which works great in the way it is implemented now. However, at the same time the proposed solution breaks ordinary logrotate operation, which is hard to spot in the first place, since armbian-truncate-logs will take care of any resulting space issues. However, the archieved log files will be a mess with duplicated entries as demonstrated by my little script and also observed and described by @eejeel in
  2. I have already adressed this issue with a little demonstrations script in this thread: however, nobody answered yet.
  3. First time armbian user and poster here. Since this is not the right time and place for an introduction, lets keep it with a simple "Hi all!" and get straight to the topic: for completeness, my system: BOARD=orangepizeroplus BOARD_NAME="Orange Pi Zero Plus" BOARDFAMILY=sun50iw2 VERSION=5.59 LINUXFAMILY=sunxi64 BRANCH=next ARCH=arm64 IMAGE_TYPE=testing BOARD_TYPE=conf INITRD_ARCH=arm64 KERNEL_IMAGE_TYPE=Image logging, in particular logrotate with ram-logging As far as I understand: - Three different cron files are responsible to handle ram-logging and logrotate -- /etc/cron.daily/logrotate -- /etc/cron.daily/armbian-ram-logging -- /etc/cron.d/armbian-truncate-logs - The configuration files for logrotate follow an agreement, that rotation is performed on the "cold" log files in log.hdd Now while armbian-truncate-logs seems to do the right thing(i.e. truncating the "hot" log files in /var/log after rotation), I have an impression that the consequences of a regular call to logrotate(as found in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate) have not been thought through. Since the hot log is not truncated in this case, it's contents get synced back by the next call to armbian-ram-logging. I have created a minimal working example to demonstrate my point: armbian-logrotate-test #!/bin/bash LOGROTATE_CONF=armbian-logrotate-test.conf LOGFILE=armbian-logrotate-test.log counter=0 # fn log_logline () { echo "logline ${counter}" >> /var/log/${LOGFILE} counter=$((counter+1)) } log_rotate () { chown root.root ${LOGROTATE_CONF} /usr/sbin/logrotate --force ${LOGROTATE_CONF} } log_ramlog () { /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-ramlog write >/dev/null 2>&1 } log_cleanup () { rm -f /var/log/${LOGFILE}* rm -f /var/log.hdd/${LOGFILE}* } log_status () { echo "### /var/log.hdd ###" find /var/log.hdd -type f -name "${LOGFILE}*" -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \; echo "### /var/log ###" find /var/log -type f -name "${LOGFILE}*" -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \; } # main log_cleanup # - logging scenario log_logline log_logline log_ramlog log_rotate log_logline log_logline log_ramlog log_rotate log_logline log_logline # - output log_status log_cleanup with armbian-logrotate-test.conf /var/log.hdd/armbian-logrotate-test.log { rotate 10 daily missingok notifempty } after calling the script as root the following output is obtained: ### /var/log.hdd ### /var/log.hdd/armbian-logrotate-test.log.1 logline 0 logline 1 logline 2 logline 3 /var/log.hdd/armbian-logrotate-test.log.2 logline 0 logline 1 ### /var/log ### /var/log/armbian-logrotate-test.log logline 0 logline 1 logline 2 logline 3 logline 4 logline 5 Has this been overlooked or do I miss something out in my test scenario?
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