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  1. I got my Orange Pi 5 board to boot v6.1.20 I took all the patches from here: https://gitlab.manjaro.org/manjaro-arm/packages/core/linux-rk3588/-/tree/main/ and built from Armbian's latest trunk source. These patch(es) will need to be modified to support v6.2 & v6.3. > uname -a > Linux orangepi5 6.1.20-rockchip-rk3588 #trunk SMP Tue Apr 25 11:47:11 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
  2. On my Orange Pi 5, I have successfully installed the X11VNC server. I followed the guide at the following link X11VNC and everything works as expected. I can connect with Real VNC from another device and see the desktop of the Orange Pi as if I were in front of its display. However, when the Orange Pi 5 is powered on without a display connected to the HDMI port, the access with Real VNC doesn't work as before. I get a black screen and I am unable to interact with the Orange Pi. I had a similar issue with Raspberry Pi, where I could resolve it by setting a default screen resolution. How can I achieve this with Armbian? How can I configure an alternative resolution when the HDMI port is not connected?
  3. Anyone have any success getting this module for new MediaTek WIFI 6 adapters? I've tried this backport of the mainline driver but get this compilation error. https://github.com/astsam/mt7921/issues/1 Anyone any ideas?
  4. I don't know why, I think after doing "sudo apt update/upgrade" (but I'm not sure), the wiringOP library on "orange pi 5" with Armbian 23.02.2 doesn't work anymore. If I run the command "sudo gpio readall" I get the following output: Oops: Unable to determine board revision from /proc/device-tree/system/linux,revision or from /proc/cpuinfo -> No "Hardware" line -> You'd best google the error to find out why. Can anyone help me solve this problem?
  5. I originally posted this on reddit after seeing a lot of posts trying to use a SATA M.2 SSD and saying it wouldn't boot with replies telling them to go buy a NVME M.2 SSD which isn't necessary when the board does support SATA M.2 with flashing the correct bootloader. This guide has 3 different sections, 1 being booting with Orange pi OS and 2 being with Armbian OS Orange Pi OS Instructions Download Orange Pi OS Ubuntu or Debian from their website http://www.orangepi.org/html/hardWare/computerAndMicrocontrollers/service-and-support/Orange-pi-5.html unzip the 7z file to get the .img file and flash it to your sd card with your preferred flasher i.e balenaetcher. Once flashed put it into orange pi 5 and boot from sd card first once booted, the rest will be done in a terminal. go ahead and do your usual update sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y 3. then make sure to wipe your SPI of any previous bootloader (give it time to complete, you'll know it's done when you get your cursor back in terminal) sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1M count=1 4. Write sata bootloader to SPI sudo dd if=/usr/share/orangepi5/rkspi_loader_sata.img of=/dev/mtdblock0 && sudo sync 5. Edit boot file on sd card to recognize sata by adding overlays line to the bottom, save then reboot sudo nano /boot/orangepiEnv.txt overlays=ssd-sata sudo reboot 6. On reboot you will still boot into SD card but now you should see "sda" (your sata SSD) show up on your list of devices when typing: lsblk 7. Put the same Orange Pi OS image you used in step 1 in any directory on your orange pi making sure it is unzipped and is in .img format. I just used the web browser in orange pi os to redownload from the website which for me put it in directory /home/orangepi/Downloads 8. Flash your downloaded .img to your sata ssd with this command (substitute with your directory to .img) sudo dd bs=1M if=/path/your/orangepi.img of=/dev/sda status=progress && sudo sync 9. Mount your ssd so you can edit the ssd’s boot file to support sata and reboot sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ sudo nano /mnt/boot/orangepiEnv.txt overlays=ssd-sata sudo umount /mnt/ && sudo sync sudo poweroff 10. Remove SDcard, turn on orange pi and it should boot orange pi OS from your M.2 sata ssd now Armbian OS Instructions Relatively same instructions with different file names write armbian .img file to your sd card with balenaetcher, I chose to use the more up to date imags from their github here https://github.com/armbian/build/releases/ make sure to unzip boot armbian from sd card, wipe spi sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1M count=1 3 Download sata spi bootloader from orange github, place it on your sd card (mine is in downloads directory) and write to spi https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/orangepi-build/blob/next/external/packages/bsp/rk3588/usr/share/orangepi5/rkspi_loader_sata.img sudo dd if=/home/pi/Downloads/rkspi_loader_sata.img of=/dev/mtdblock0 status=progress && sudo sync 4. Edit boot file to recognize sata then reboot sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt overlays=opi5-sata sudo reboot 5. Once rebooted you can check sda shows up with command: lsblk 6. download the same armbian.img you used for step 1 to your orange pi making sure it's unzipped in .img format, then flash it to your ssd sudo dd bs=1M if=/path/your/armbian.img of=/dev/sda status=progress && sudo sync 7. Mount /boot/ of ssd so you can edit the ssd’s boot file to support sata and reboot sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ sudo nano /mnt/boot/armbianEnv.txt overlays=opi5-sata sudo umount /mnt/ && sudo sync sudo poweroff 8. Remove SDcard and start SBC, resize filesystem to use all available space sudo systemctl enable armbian-resize-filesystem
  6. Loading the latest dist with 5.10.160 kernel, the header package has wrong version...
  7. I thought I had read that someone had the T2U working out of the box. Well, it's mostly there. When I tried it, didn't work. Got message in dmesg that firmware file not found. Did a Google search and found that it came down to the mediatek firmware files needing to be in the /lib/firmware/mediatek directory but they are currently in the /lib/firmware directory. FYI, the /lib/firmware/mediatek directory already existed and did not need to be created. Also in the current Jammy Gnome desktop Armbian, the file that was being loaded, mt7610e.bin, was not there and only the backup file, mt7610u.bin, was there in the /lib/firmware directory. What I did was download the mt7610e and mt7610u from: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/mediatek I placed them in the /lib/firmware/mediatek directory. This was before I saw that the /lib/firmware directory contained the mt7610u.bin file. Rebooted and then no errors in dmesg but correct loading and recognizing the T2U and my WiFi router/SSID. Don't know if there would be issues with other Mediatek dongles or if Armbian needs to be updated for this or it's an issue elsewhere. Just thought this would be useful for others trying to find a working dongle or trying to make their T2U/Mediatek based dongles work.
  8. With the prior image and kernel 5.10.110 I was able to run compile.sh and produce the linux-source-legacy-rockchip-rk3588_23.02.0-trunk_all.deb which provided the kernel source in /usr/src/linux-source-5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588.tar.xz. I downloaded the latest img which provides kernel 5.10.160 which booted fine. However, running the same compile.sh process I used previously with success produced the older deb package that contains the 5.10.110 kernel source. There were a couple of errors displayed. My compile.sh command is: ./compile.sh BOARD=orangepi5 BRANCH=legacy BUILD_ONLY=kernel RELEASE=jammy KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no The first error encountered was a prompt for username/password to access https://github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210118/. I tried creating a github account but those credentials did not work. Pressing Enter bypassed the authentication failure and continued but the kernel failed to build with "[ error ] Kernel was not built". Assuming this error was in part due to not having access to https://github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210118/. My primary goal is to acquire the kernel 5.10.160 kernel source so that I can build external kernel modules. I did see the leaflet-8 notice. Is the issue I describe above covered by the leaflet-8 notice? or do I need to use different compile.sh options? Perhaps a different BRANCH= value? I tried using the compile.sh menu system but got the same result.
  9. I'm trying to get wifi working with the new wifi chip on the official image 23.5 but it seems to be missing the dtb for the Orange Pi 5b. Does anyone mind posting that file? I did follow the steps to extract that file from an official image but I can't trace the source anymore. Also any update on the availability of the 23.5 images in the apt? I just switched my release to nightly but it still shows 23.02 Thanks Erik
  10. Hello, I would like the ability to run Firefox or Chromuim rather than Gnome or any desktop environment when I start up my Orange Pi 5. This is for a device I'm setting up that (when rebooted) ideally won't even prompt the user to log in, it'll just directly bring up the browser and directly to a specific URL. Any thoughts on how I might do this? David
  11. I was able to flash armbian bookworm cli to the ssd using balena etcher but when I boot the OPI5 from the sdcard and run lsbk it can only see the sdcard any ideas ...
  12. Hi, i've an Hdd of 1TB and i would like to use it as a storage for my orange pi 5. I would like to install armbian and boot directly from the Hdd the operating system. I need only to buy the adaptor for sata interface. Before to buy it i've read some posts and also watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5-sZt_O51w&pp=ygUZb3JhbmdlIHBpIDUgYm9vdCBmcm9tIHVzYg%3D%3D and this guy was not able to boot the orange pi directly from the Hdd because the adaptor was creating some problem. 1) I would like to ask you if someone knows if in this months this problem was been resolved or not 2) If it is not yet solved, i would like to install the OS and boot it from the MicroSD card and use the Hdd with the adaptor as a storage (like a big usb stick), does in this way the Hdd will be visible and would i be able to use it?
  13. Greetings everyone. I hope to receive some assistance here. Our company is a small Linux cloud gaming provider that uses the Cinnamon edition of Linux Mint for our cloud gaming services https://maximumsettings.com/ . We are searching for an affordable local streaming device that we can recommend to our clients, capable of decoding H.265 at 4K - 80Mbps. The Orange Pi 5 is a perfect fit for this role, and the Armbian Cinnamon desktop is well-suited since our clients already use Linux Mint Cinnamon edition on the cloud Gaming PC. However, there is currently no support for our open-source streaming client, Moonlight, which we use as the default option for our clients. This is where we hope to receive your help. We are willing to offer a $1000 Canadian Bountysource donation to Armbian if someone can create a binary version of the Moonlight streaming client https://moonlight-stream.org that can be easily installed by a novice Linux user on the Orange Pi 5 with the Armbian Cinnamon desktop edition OS. Ideally, without the requirement of using the terminal. I should mention that the Moonlight client would require full hardware decoding support for both H.264 and H.265.
  14. My experience so far: 1. Booting up (Jammy/Bullseye) from SD, HDMI out to 1440p display cuts off text at the bottom. It affects installation and later use. I need to press ENTER several times to all questions until text moves up in the buffer and becomes visible, and then blindly type the answer to proceed to the next step, then several ENTERs to scroll again, and so on. Looking at fbset and stty output: me@opi:~$ fbset -i mode "2560x1440" geometry 2560 1440 2560 1440 32 timings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 accel true rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0 endmode Frame buffer device information: Name : rockchipdrmfb Address : 0 Size : 14745600 Type : PACKED PIXELS Visual : TRUECOLOR XPanStep : 1 YPanStep : 1 YWrapStep : 0 LineLength : 10240 Accelerator : No me@opi:~$ stty size 28 100 After installation, I can set proper console columns and rows corresponding to the font size: me@opi:~$ stty rows 67 cols 240 And to make it persist on boot: /etc/default/console-setup SCREEN_HEIGHT="67" SCREEN_WIDTH="240" 2. X server resolution only goes up to 1920x1080 on the same 2560x1440 display. 3. After switching monitor inputs and going back to OPi5, X server resets the resolution from 1920x1080 to 720x576. 4. In 1920x1080 everything looks abnormally scaled and huge. Decreasing DPI below the "default" 96 in Xfce helps a little but it still doesn't look right. 5. Finally, there are file conflicts among packages: firmware-misc-nonfree vs armbian-firmware and armbian-firmware-full. This was reported back in 2019 but not addressed. https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/1359
  15. I noticed the new images with 23.5 but I have an older installation, then went to nightly, I just switched back to the official, I ran dist-upgrade but when I boot, the system shows Armbian 23.02. Am I missing something to get 23.5?
  16. I did a fresh install of armbian jammy 23.5 cli on my orangepi 5 (I previously used 22.11 and 23.02), and I cannot reboot. "sudo reboot" just hangs the system. Not really a big deal, just somewhat annoying, because previous versions runs fine. Anybody else experiencing the same problem? "armbianmonitor -U" output is attached. armbianu.txt
  17. booted opi5 via nvme one day and the boot screen mentions about btrfs partition missing even tho it was using ext4 partition. booted via sdcard and the root partition is entirely missing on the nvme. the boot partition is still there and working. not sure if relevant but the previous time i shut the opi5 down, i forgot to unplug it and it was plugged in for about an hour after shutdown with the red led and fan on. the nvme is kingspec which while cheap doesnt seem to have that many bad reports online that i can find (the boot partition was fine so i suspect kingspec isnt at fault). the power adapter is a 25w phone charger w/ pd/qs; it hasnt exhibited any weird behavior (like random shutdowns) thus far. i just chalked it up to my set of parts that led to this data corruption until on the opi discord someone mentioned the 160 kernel halved the speed of the nvme. i recall my device was recently updated to the 160 kernel. lost about 100gb of data so im definitely going back to 110 kernel builds.
  18. Hello everyone, I recently purchased an ili9488 touch screen for use with my Orange Pi 5, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've tried several solutions that I found online, but so far nothing has worked. Specifically, the screen isn't displaying any output when I connect it to my Orange Pi 5, and I'm not sure what steps to take next. https://a.aliexpress.com/_EQaN4gj - That is the screen I bought. For context,I have the latest version of the Armbian operating system installed. I've followed the instructions that came with the touch screen, and I've also tried several different solutions that I found online (including using the fbset command to adjust the display resolution, and updating the device tree overlay file). If anyone has any suggestions or advice for how I can troubleshoot this issue, I would be extremely grateful. I'm open to any possible solutions, and I'm willing to try anything to get this screen up and running. Thank you in advance for your help!
  19. Hi, No matter if I run the "sudo reboot" command or use the restart option from Gnome desktop, the Orange Pi 5 is not rebooting. It runs a splash screen with some kind of information after I execute that action, but after that the splash freezes and nothing happens. So I need to manually power off and then power on the Orange Pi 5 board. I'm using the following setup: Armbian 23.05.1 Thanks!
  20. Hello Armbian forum, I need to have a GPIO interrupt on Orange PI5. I have successfully installed WiringOP and I am using it with C code. The problem is that the interrupt is not working, and I am receiving the following error. How can I proceed? Does anyone know how to enable the WiringOP interrupt on the GPIO PIN? Code C : #define AUX 13 wiringPiISR(AUX, INT_EDGE_FALLING, &MyFunction); Error: wiringPiISR: unable to open /sys/class/gpio/gpio92/value: No such file or directory PS. I have just successfully installed this version: Armbian 23.02 Jammy Gnome
  21. root@orangepi5:~# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 223.6G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 256M 0 part /boot └─sda2 8:2 0 221.1G 0 part /var/log.hdd / mtdblock0 31:0 0 16M 0 disk mmcblk1 179:0 0 29.8G 0 disk ├─mmcblk1p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part └─mmcblk1p2 179:2 0 29.2G 0 part zram0 254:0 0 7.7G 0 disk [SWAP] zram1 254:1 0 50M 0 disk /var/log root@orangepi5:~# cat /boot/armbianEnv.txt verbosity=1 bootlogo=false overlay_prefix=rockchip-rk3588 overlays=orangepi-5-sata fdtfile=rockchip/rk3588s-orangepi-5.dtb rootdev=UUID=cc730f4c-fc1b-4686-aaa5-2e9a8f44d888 rootfstype=ext4 usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u root@orangepi5:~# blkid /dev/sda2: LABEL="armbi_root" UUID="cc730f4c-fc1b-4686-aaa5-2e9a8f44d888" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="de1a9525-6439-4243-bc2b-61d3221eb524" /dev/zram0: UUID="210234f3-105d-4c5e-83a8-b097366bfa26" TYPE="swap" /dev/zram1: LABEL="log2ram" UUID="466160e2-e334-40cb-84cd-49efa6845b86" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" /dev/mtdblock0: PTUUID="829fc558-d7dd-4ef3-94fd-e1d0316bc4c5" PTTYPE="gpt" /dev/mmcblk1p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="armbi_boot" LABEL="armbi_boot" UUID="A56C-57B5" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="bootfs" PARTUUID="0d48e4a3-6408-d045-aafd-06e643e73152" /dev/mmcblk1p2: LABEL="armbi_root" UUID="68c6335e-b3aa-4ad9-ac9a-e844e997ee75" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="2f417159-5a4c-d14e-97fb-650ad758e6d1" /dev/sda1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="armbi_boot" LABEL="armbi_boot" UUID="A56C-57B5" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="bootfs" PARTUUID="0d48e4a3-6408-d045-aafd-06e643e73152" root@orangepi5:~# cat /etc/fstab UUID=cc730f4c-fc1b-4686-aaa5-2e9a8f44d888 / ext4 defaults,noatime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1 UUID=A56C-57B5 /boot vfat defaults 0 2 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0 Hello, could please somebody help me? my system doesn't want to boot without inserted SDcard
  22. Hi, Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi5_jammy_legacy_5.10.110 works well with my OPI5. I can ssh to and play with it from my Debian desktop. I don't have HDMI monitor so I want to try serial port. i'm using USB-TTL cable to connect OPI5 to my Debian box. Then in Debian bash I use this command to connect to the port screen /dev/ttyUSB0 Then power on the OPI5. The output is garbled: If i change it to cs7 (screen /dev/ttyUSB0 cs7), the output is still something I cannot understand: The stty command and output: $ sudo stty --file=/dev/ttyUSB0 --all speed 9600 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0; intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 = <undef>; swtch = <undef>; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; discard = ^O; min = 1; time = 0; -parenb -parodd -cmspar cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread clocal -crtscts -ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel -iutf8 opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0 isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke -flusho -extproc I'm sure the USB-TTL cable lines are plugged as expected: green line to RX, white line to TX, black line to GND. TX/RX/GND are as the offical PIN definition: http://www.orangepi.org/img/pi-5-pin-definition.png Any idea what went wrong?
  23. Hello. Is it possible to enable OV13855 camera on OPi5 with the latest armbian image? If yes, how do it? Thanks!
  24. For some odd unknown reason. I can not get the following installed and running. (using official os for Opi5) 1- A virtual machine running on armbian. 2- Dolphin emu 3- Waydroid Thx, vandyman
  25. After updating my Orange Pi 5 I no longer can use the "opi5-i2c5-m3" overlay in /boot/armbianEnv.txt to activate and use i2c. Seems the file (or any ohter "opi5-i2c*") is gone from /boot/dtb folder. #uname -a Linux 5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588 #1 SMP Sun Apr 2 14:30:48 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux Is there a new or different procedure to activate i2c? Do I need to install a separate package for it? Or build the entire OS? Anyone else having the same issue? It does detect some i2c devices(0,10,2,6,7,9), but they don't seem to be related to the GPIO headers, prevoiusly I could also use (1,3,5). # ls -l /dev/i2c- i2c-0 i2c-10 i2c-2 i2c-6 i2c-7 i2c-9 I would like to use physical pins 3 and 5 - these were until now working fine.
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