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Volunteering opportunities

3 Applications

  1. Single board computer maintainer

    commit to providing "Best Effort" support for their SBC on the Armbian forums best effort participation in the release cycles, test devices prior to point releases prepare images for release physical access to the SBC they're supporting promote Armbian builds at forum and SBC maker forums share contact information with the project management  
    We value candidates who have:
    user level Linux experiences communication and organization skills good understanding of Debian based OS  
    What we offer:
    unique open source community project experiences opportunity to work with an exceptional team of people environment for personal and professional development automated compilation system automated hardware testings platform provide the team's unique expertise to assist maintainer with general challenges best-effort compensation can be provided to maintainer from the "Armbian Community Fund"  

    Position: Board maintainer

    Number of places: 64

    Applicants: 65


  2. Code reviewer

    A code review is a peer review of code that helps developers ensure or improve the code quality before they merge and ship it. We are looking to expand our team with several part time developers to regularly check pull request and considers questions like:
    Are there any obvious logic errors in the code? Looking at the idea or requirements, are all cases fully implemented? Does the new code conform to existing style guidelines?  
    scan the code at Pull Requests tagged with Needs review regularly  comment, suggest, propose changes  
    We value candidates who have:
    work experience in Linux OS development good understanding of Debian based systems embedded hardware technologies experience  BASH, Python, Git and (optional) C++ coding experience  
    What we offer:
    unique open source community project experiences personal and professional development
    10 minutes of your time makes a big change.

    Position: Framework maintainer

    Number of places: Unlimited

    Applicants: 9


  3. Build framework maintainer

    maintainer for Armbian build framework coordinating merge requests reviews, tag issues and pull requests, open framework bugs in Jira.  
    We value candidates who have:
    work experience in Linux OS development good understanding of Debian based systems embedded hardware technologies experience  BASH, Python, Git and (optional) C++ coding experience  
    What we offer:
    unique open source community project experiences personal and professional development

    Position: Framework maintainer

    Number of places: 16

    Applicants: 6


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