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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I am curious to hear how accurate the measurement of temperature is from the onboard sensors, particularly in my case for the Banana Pi M2+. While I do understand that the BPi M2+ suffered from poor choices for thermal management from the manufacturer both in hardware and software, I believe that thankfully Armbian has worked out the kinks on the software side, hasn't it? I am running the latest noble image, here's what I noticed. The temperature as shown by the sensors and armbianmonitor commands never really goes below 60° even on idle with ambient temperatures of around 25 to 30 degrees. My SBC already came with a small heatsink attached to the CPU. I found that value pretty high and inquired with an infrared thermometer but couldn't really find a spot on the board over 40°. Which makes me wonder if the reading is accurate and properly calibrated? My impression is that it is not. Furthermore, I noticed the board behaves quite well under load. For example, I stress-tested it with the yes command on all cores for about an hour or so and while the temperature went up to 95°, it appears the software was well-tweaked to only slightly throttle the CPU (verified with armbianmonitor -m) to not exceed this. I am not 100% sure about the thermometer readings, but I believe they were around 60° at the time, certainly nowhere near what sensors was showing. I have been testing the board for about a week now and I have to say that one time, the board did indeed shut down due to thermal overload. Interestingly, this wasn't even when the CPU was heavily loaded but there was a lot of IO wait. Temperature was high and it briefly shot up to 101° (ouch) which triggered an emergency shutdown to prevent thermal damage. Looked good to me, mostly. So, again, my question today is how trustworthy are the readings from the sensors, are they properly calibrated?
  2. Dear Community, I'll build a Developer Team specially for Banana Pi Boards!" GPIO Libarys I started updating/modifing the old GPIO-Libarys, so they can be used on the latest builds! I want to build a Team, for GPIO-Libary Development, for porting these Libarys: WiringPi-Node WiringPi-PHP WiringPi-Perl WirinigPi-Ruby gpiozero rpi-gpio Updating and modifying these: RPi.GPIO BPI-WiringPi2-Python BPI-WiringPi2 At the end, all currently working GPIO Libarys are: luma.oled RPi.GPIO BPI-WiringPi BPI-WiringPi2 BPI-WiringPi2-Python Armbian Build System for Banana Pi I started building the build-system for full banana pi support! Anyone who would like to join the developer-team, just pn me, post in this thread, or contact me on github or discord!" I created a GIthub-Organisation for this project and a Discord Server. A Domain & VPS Server is commin Monday!" Goals: Support ONLY for Banana Pi Boards Board Determiner Script which exports Board-Infos, required by gpio-libs (usual located at: /var/lib/bananapi) APT-Mirror Archive Hosted by our project-teams vps-server! ( Mirror stores all latest gpio-libarys we specially build for using on latest builds and other packages we'll develope in future) Added APPGROUPS: Pentesting, TV-Box, Server-Side, Game Desk & Development Revised menu for selecting extensions and other additional items Revised config menu Adding additional build options A Web-Based Project-Server Hosted Build-System will be build and available on the project-page, where you can build images remotely, according to you settings made in the WebInterface, with live progress & build-log + downloading compressed own image-release. A publish option will be added to, where you can upload your builded image to any Cloud/Storage we provide. Revised device trees According to APPGROUPS and Enabled Extensions: I2C, SPI, UART are enabled in the gpio_develope extension, and all requirements for gpio-programming are pre-installed, the gpio libs are pre-installed too. If you have some Ideas, what we could add or which wishes we can make true, just reply in this post, or contact us. Github Organisation Discord greetz, hexzhen3x7
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