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Tinkerboard S - Armbian Bionic v4.19 Desktop removed ?from downloads page

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Hey all, wasn't sure where to post this so I figured here is fine. I was wonderng: Is there a repository of older armbian releases? Specifically: Tinkerboard S Armbian Bionic 4.19.y Desktop Kernel.


For the past couple months I've been developing on my ASUS Tinkerboard S running the Armbian Bionic 4.19.y Desktop release. 


However, sometime recently, the updated 4.4.y release came out for Armbian Bionic Desktop. I tried it, and it turns out one of the updates actually break a decent part of my system I had working (partly due to the lack nodm on the system now, which was warned). I'll update my system eventually, but it's not really worth it for the near future.


This would be all fine and dandy - except now there's no trace of the 4.19.y desktop kernel - ONLY the mainline kernal version is there. My main application of the tinkerboard system I had set up relied heavily on a desktop environment. I of course have a backup of the 4.19.y desktop, but it'd be nice / reassuring if there was a place online I could find it.




Latest files are linked here https://dl.armbian.com/tinkerboard while in archive is everything https://dl.armbian.com/tinkerboard/archive/ with versions numbers.


1 hour ago, tyrelkostyk said:

Can anyone confirm if this link will stay active?

Those are links - they always downloads the latest versions of "Ubuntu Bionic desktop" in this case.

You can also start with Ubuntu Bionic default(or NEXT) and upgrade/downgrade to NEXT (4.19.y), DEV (5.1.y), DEFAULT (4.4.y) and install desktop, disable desktop. Check armbian-config -> system and play around on some test image.


If you need video acceleration routines you need to stick to 4.4.y kernel. Not sure if everything works in modern kernels.

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