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My ROC-RK3328-CC have 4GB Ram with 16GB eMMC, how to install the download "Armbian_20.02.1_Renegade_buster_current_5.4.20.7z" to eMMC and boot from eMMC?

Thanks a lot!


Did you check out the Armbian-config?


It seems weird to do it that way around, you want to donwload to emmc to boot from it? What about sd to emmc? 


You can install it the same way like on sd-card. All you need is a emmc-adapter for your card reader/writer. With the adapter the emmc-card apperas to be a sd-card.


If you can not find an adapter try the following. Install the image on a sd-card. Start the device from the sd-card but with attached (empty) emmc. Copy (i.e. using ssh, scp, rsync) the image (*.img) you want to install as a file onto the sd-card. Then sudo dd if="/path/name.of.the.image.img" of= /dev/mmcblkX bs=1M. Wait long enough. sync. Switch of device and remove sd-card.


I wish you luck.

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