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How to get 7'' IPS 1024X600 touch screen on Orange Pi 4b working?

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Hi all,


Happy New year!


I have a 7" IPS 1024X600 touch screen that I finally got it to work on Raspberry PI with the following configuration:

hdmi_cvt:1=1024 600 60 3 0 0 0
# uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)



The product link is here:



When I plug this item into Armbian, the screen just flashes ON and OFF, but for some reason, the login screen works with about 1" black border on either side.  When I type in log in password, the screen starts flashing again.  I tried cvt 1024 600 60, but nothing changed. 


This screen works fine with Android that comes with Orange PI 4B.  I think configuration somewhere is missing or wrong. 


Also, what touch screen keyboard should I use?  I tried to install Florence Virtual Keyboard, and I don't think it could start with Armbian desktop.


Thanks for helping out.


If you provide more information, it is more likely that someone will be able to help you: kernel, distro, etc.

Start with providing the output of "armbianmonitor -u", and also the output of those commands you mention (just saying "it does not work" is like saying nothing).

Enviado desde mi moto g(6) plus mediante Tapatalk

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