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I have one Beeling GT1 with Balbes150  Armbian_20.10_Arm-64_buster_current_5.9.0.img and meson-gxm-beelink-gt1.dtb.


Only get Eth0 or Wlan0 to connect if I go to Android and then reboot with USB pen inserted.

If reboot directly to Armbian with previous boot to Android, get an error with Failed to raise.


What can be done to insure Eth0 or Wlan0 will allways start at boot?


Moved post to new topic as this post deals with 64bit cpu but was posted in a thread dealing with 32bit cpus.


@riocoles Please read https://forum.armbian.com/topic/16407-please-read-first

especially note the current status of amlogic cpus which is what your box contains.


Have you tried different dtb files?  You are using a dtb file that isn't part of the mainline kernel (thus it is a patch applied to mainline kernel).  It could be the case that due to changes in mainline over time that the patch hasn't been well maintained and no longer works correctly.  When dealing with TV boxes sometimes the best advise is to try all the relevant dtb files for your cpu to see which has the best support for the physical hardware in your specific box.


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