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Udoo quad problems


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Hi i have an udoo quad and i downloaded your os (ubuntu jessie desktop Kernel 4.0.8). At first congratulation for your work and big thanks to share it  :)

After the flash of the sd card (used win32diskimager because imagewriter don't work for me), i can started my card. Ethernet, wifi, browser ... works fine !

Now, that it didn't work is sata disk or usb disk. When i plug it on the card nothing appear. If i go to /media i saw nothing. Do you know how to resolve this ?

Otherwise, i would like to compile Qt5.5 but i need the header for openGL librairie to do it. Is it possible to have it (i saw nothing on /usr/include) ?

Last think, do you plan to make a try with the new desktop lxqt ?


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Thanks. :P  USB / SATA should work but I need to check again if you say it's not working. Maybe it just doesn't auto mount? Can you check to mount it manual?


The idea is to provide basic desktop simply because I have not much experiences in this area and because primary target is solid CLI system. I am not sure about GL but if it can be added and if I got some help It can be added.

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I choose to post here because the title makes it a bit relevant even if the thread is quite old.

I’m using Armbian since 2 years and it has been working great. Thanks for all the great work.

I’m using the Udoo Quad as a mini-server with owncloud (Vanilla kernel, jessie).

Since I did the upgrade to 5.17 in July (from 5.06 or 5.10 I think as I hadn’t upgraded in a while), the system hangs when booting.

Using serial, I can see it hangs while saying "Starting kernel"…

If there was a way to fix it without having to reinstall everything, that would be great…

Any idea or suggestion welcome…

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I just made an update from 5.05 and all went fine.


Mount SD card on some Linux machine and tell me the content of /boot folder. Next: change those boot parameters, 


console=ttymxc0 loglevel=7


attach serial console and try to boot:

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