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8 hours ago, Kenneth Hidalgo said:

Need help

you probably downloaded this RKdev from a RADXA forum....
i see this SPL flash before.

Just edit it like an Table, righ click left click and let it like the attach file
you will need to get the partitions config from device... "Dev Partition" button


Posted (edited)
54 minutes ago, Kenneth Hidalgo said:

I can't do the second step

uncheck both checkboxes.... by left click them....
righ click on table... create new line.

set address by double click it and typing...
set name by double click it and typing...
it´s an tabble. like office....

or you can simply drop this file on RKdev folder and start the program...


Edited by hotnikq
Posted (edited)

i will build an Storage on Cifis Samba connection over gigabit.
CasaOS on other device will share the Cifis over web https on Nextcloud.
1x H96 Max v56
1x USB 3.0 HUB

4x USB3 to Sata3  

4x HDD
1x Power Supply

On Remote server Kernel6 to mount disks at Logon automatically:  /etc/fstab

// /DATA/fotos cifs username=UsErNaMe,password=PASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.idle-timeout=60
// /DATA/arquivos cifs username=UsErNaMe,password=PASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.idle-timeout=60

On Remote server Kernel5 to mount disks at Logon automatically:  /etc/fstab

// /DATA/fotos cifs username=UsErNaMe,password=DONTWEAKPASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
// /DATA/arquivos cifs username=UsErNaMe,password=DONTWEAKPASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777


Edited by hotnikq
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Kenneth Hidalgo said:

and then the rkdev does not appear with that information


rkdev automatically? where you read it?
it will never happend... the table need to be edited by hand...


Brow.... Just copy the Config.cfg that i posted here...... and drop it on the rkdev folder.
it's an table that need to be edited by you....
You will need to edit manually 
Remove the checkbox from that lines that you have...
Your 2 lines that you have is for RADXA DEVICE! Like i said before.


On 6/11/2023 at 11:56 AM, hotnikq said:

uncheck both checkboxes.... by left click them....
righ click on table... create new line.

set address by double click it and typing...
set name by double click it and typing...
it´s an tabble. like office....

or you can simply drop this file on RKdev folder and start the program...


did you ever use any office suite for editing tables?
Just copy the Line number 8...





Edited by hotnikq
8 hours ago, Kenneth Hidalgo said:

I still can't do the second step, after doing the first step it tells me "MASKROM device" no Loader

After complete the first step....
disconect the device...
push the bottom on the board....
and conect again...
release the bottom.
do the second step......

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Kenneth Hidalgo said:

This is the information of my device with the original image

you droped my config.cfg file finally!
on line root.... 0x0000A000 the last Row is "..." where you can select the img file
just select the armbian root.img file that you downloaded on tutorial.
select write by address and Run...

Edited by hotnikq

Greetings Brazilian friend.


My box has 8GB of ram.


I also soldered the SD card adapter and couldn't via SD with the Wipe file.


With the Rockchip image you created,

I did the first step successfully.


But the second step my device goes into maskrom mode and

I can't go on, maybe for the 8Gb model it's a different procedure


I apologize if the English is not understandable

2 hours ago, ufsm said:

I also soldered the SD card adapter and couldn't via SD with the Wipe file.

power the device on, and after just a second put the SD card on it......

Posted (edited)
On 6/13/2023 at 10:28 AM, ufsm said:

I did the first step successfully.


now you will need to unplug the device. 
press the back button with a toothpick and reconnect male to male USB to you computer,
...........Go to step 2

Edited by hotnikq
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ufsm said:

But the second step my device goes into maskrom mode and


Please confirm that you flash the first step with the "update.img" file... 
and disconect the device after flash....

when press the back button with a toothpick and reconnect the device H96 MAX V56 RK3566  need to be reconized.


if it return maskrom even when press the back button with a toothpick and reconnect
you will need to do the first step again....

Edited by hotnikq
Posted (edited)

Since v0.7ARMBIAN23 works for me.
i will no long test new images, my device is on production stage.
I will deliver some alternative root versions within the armbian spheres for you to use in v0.7 step 2.
i discovered windows WSL2 + windows terminal + usbipd
i'm compiling Linux: Debian 12 "Bookworm"
will release it soon as a v0.5DEBIAN12 first "sd-card"
and after test.... v0.7DEBIAN12 ROOT PARTITION  with 2 trick steps.

since kernel v4 to this device is deprecate
i will start to free space on my google drive.
Removed/deleted files:

Edited by hotnikq
6 hours ago, Kenneth Hidalgo said:

I already pressed the button with the stick but it is still in MASKROOM mode

with your example, I made a new edition in the v0.7 text, go back there and execute the new text edition.
if it keep maskroom, i think you will need a TTL debug to find out whats wrong

Posted (edited)

If you like what you see here and want to help: Donate Armbian the like button only costs a few dollars.

Armbian Needs you help!


######################### WHAT IS  THIS? #########################


This is an SD-card image!
to use it in an SD-Card You will need do solder an SD-card Reader.

check before if your device has the regulator: fan53555
check before if your device has: tcs4525
check before if your device has: RK809-5


works with 4gb and 8gb devices


######################### HOW TO USE IT #########################

using the T95 Method

flash the Wipe_part on Boot partition
flash the Wipe_part on Recovery partition

Connect the power cord...
wait 1 second

and in a fraction of second, connect the sd-Card on device.....
if it doesn't boot, try again in a different timming  2 seconds after power.


#################### SOLDERED READER EXAMPLE ####################



###########################  END  ###########################

#########################  FIRST BOOT #########################


user: root
password: 1234
This is default armbian for original debian 12 image


######################### WHAT IS  THIS? #########################


Base image: Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_noble_current_6.12.11_cinnamon_desktop.img  ✔️
H96 Max RK3566 4gb and 8gb ✔️

boot from SD-CARD Soldered ✔️
runs kernel 6.2 DESKTOP ✔️
Boot on Linux  XFCE Ambian✔️

display video HDMi ✔️

detect internal MMC ✔️

Detect SD-CARD ✔️ 

Detect USB 2.0 port  ✔️

Detect USB 3.0 port ✔️

######################### HOW TO BUILD IT #########################

Runtime [ 6:05 min ]
[] Repeat Build Options 

./compile.sh build BOARD=h96-tvbox-3566 BRANCH=current BUILD_DESKTOP=yes BUILD_MINIMAL=no DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED='browsers desktop_tools editors internet multimedia office programming remote_desktop' DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT=cinnamon DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME=config_base KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=noble

######################### HOW PUT IT ON MMC #########################

you can use it to make a v0.7 ROOT image.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:16 PM, hotnikq said:


any resemblance to this topic is mere adaptation


Mount that image virtual device like /media/armbian_boot

fdisk -l your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img
mount -o loop your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img /media/armbian_boot

if you can't "like WSL2"

sudo apt-get install kpartx
sudo kpartx -av your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img
sudo mount -o loop /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/armbian_boot

Second Step:  prepare an sd card or usb flash dummy , can be anithing with 6gb

fdisk /dev/mmcblk1
default (lower this value to match the size of your root image)

third step: format that flash drive for ext4

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1


fourth step: mount that clear partition and copy the entire virtual drive to the flash device

mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt

rsync -avx /media/armbian_boot/ /mnt


fifth Step: Edit your uuid From Armbian Boot config "uuid for /dev/mmcblk1p1"


nano -w /mnt/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

sixth step: make an hardware RAW.img from hardware flash drive with these parameters

sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=~/root.img bs=4096 status=progress

PS: can be /dev/SDA" I do it on my h96max" so it's mmcblk1




Uboot Legacy, Parameter.txt to create the Rockchip image




Edited by Hqnicolas
Posted (edited)
On 6/13/2023 at 10:28 AM, ufsm said:

I can't go on, maybe for the 8Gb model it's a different procedure

same procedure for 2, 4, 8gb devices....

@Kenneth Hidalgo posted a Linaro6.2 distro kernel 4,

and it works on my device.
Since you both have this problem with my tutorial, i will test the tutorial on my device,

downloading files from the links that i post, the .tar.xz file can be corrupt.

how you extract the .tar.xz files? @ufsm



Please extract file.xz with 7zip

Please extract file.tar with 7zip

Edited by hotnikq
Posted (edited)

🏆 help to add other boards in armbian standart, you don't need to be a programmer to help the community,
just need a copy of the ARM BOARD and a x86 computer to compile new versions.


If you like what you see here and want to help: Donate Armbian, the like button only costs a few dollars.

Armbian Needs you help!


####################### Just a Few clicks to help ##################

This is an internal mmc trick 2-step image!
You no longer need to solder an SD-card Reader like the creepy Release Version v0.5 BETA that i made.

check before if your device has the regulator: fan53555
check before if your device has: tcs4525
check before if your device has: RK809-5


works with 4gb and 8gb devices

How to use it:
- install RKDevTool Drivers Rockchip
- Use RkDevTool v2.86


- Drop Config.cfg  the RkDevTool config file on folder

Righ click on white background from RKDevTool

click on Load Config

Select the Config.cfg





Step 1

Extract this file.xz with 7zip

Extract this file.tar with 7zip

Connect Your device:
How? press the back button with a toothpick and connect male to male USB to you computer.

Flash the Update Image on entire device as an Upgrade Firmware

After Complete ! ! Disconect your device ! !




Step 2:

Reconnect Your device:
How? press the back button with a toothpick and connect male to male USB to you computer.

Flash the GPT image inside the MMC GPT partition


on RkDevTool v2.86

double click the number on table
set Address on 0x00000000

set Name on gpt
select the root file to flash on the "..." the dot right side of the table........
mark, Write by address
after flash, it's done, use HDMI and USB to create user and password, regular armbian install...





The Gpt file

The Server 4gb Update image
The Server 8gb Update image
Yes, you can Skip Root flash.
But you can drop the v0.7 Root.img file.
Please Reflash GPT.img after new Root.img


Debian 12 BookWorm Server Minimal ROOT




Armbian_23.11.0-trunk_Station-m2_jammy_edge_6.2.16_Server_Minimal.img ✔️

Boot from internal MMC ✔️
Runs kernel 6.2 Server ✔️

display video HDMi ✔️

detect internal MMC ✔️

Detect SD-CARD ✔️ 

Detect USB 2.0 port ✖️ (no USB2.0 on Server Images)

Detect USB 3.0 port ✔️ (use a cheap usb hub 3.0)


##################################### END ##############################################
############################### HOT TO CREATE IMAGES #####################################
if you wanna do all that creepy again with other devices and images, (please do it on other devices) and topic

this is all you need to create this image,
first step:
Compile armbian on linux desktop

dont forgot to do it with modified DTS file: 

in this case DTB + DTS Files for you to edit because you want to help the community

any resemblance to this topic is mere adaptation


Mount that image virtual device like /media/armbian_boot

fdisk -l your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img
mount -o loop your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img /media/armbian_boot

if you can't "like WSL2"

sudo apt-get install kpartx
sudo kpartx -av your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img
sudo mount -o loop /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/armbian_boot

Second Step:  prepare an sd card or usb flash dummy , can be anithing with 6gb

fdisk /dev/mmcblk1
default (lower this value to match the size of your root image)

third step: format that flash drive for ext4

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1


fourth step: mount that clear partition and copy the entire virtual drive to the flash device

mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/

rsync -avx /media/armbian_boot/ /mnt/


fifth Step: Edit your uuid From Armbian Boot config "uuid for /dev/mmcblk1p1"


nano -w /mnt/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

umount /mnt

sixth step: make an hardware RAW.img from hardware flash drive with these parameters

sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=~/root.img bs=4096 status=progress

PS: can be /dev/SDA" I do it on my h96max" so it's mmcblk1


If you want a GPT.img backup

dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=gpt.img bs=16896 count=1
dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=gpt1.img bs=16896 count=1
dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p2 of=gpt2.img bs=16896 count=1




CREATE the Update Image on linux with the rockchip software.
Linux Pack Rockchip Firmware


Uboot Legacy, Parameter.txt to create the Rockchip image


this process generate two files:
File1: Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/Image/update.img
File2: Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/update.img

I generally use the File2 to flash my device on upgrade Firmware RKDevTool

Edited by Hqnicolas

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