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[SOLVED] 7inch LCD Banana Pro Fex File changes, no output only backlight

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I recently started setting my board up, and came across all the information needed to enable the LCD use for it. For info, I've updated to 5.20.


I have gone through the whole process to change the script.bin to fex, edit, change back, copy and sync. The changes are saved, I have even made a copy of the script.bin to script.fex in order to see if the new script contains the changes I made. All is there. It seems to be the problem another user had in this thread:





In this case I chose the lcd_if=4 since it is what they provide at sunxi, but it didnt work. I then changed the value to lcd_if=0. SInce it didn't work I changed it to internal DSPI and then external after reading a bit about them.


I'm a bit lost as to what to do. I hope I've made myself clear.


All in all, thank you for your support. Great community!


I should probably add that I changed the whole script.bin first with what LeMaker provided. Since that didn't work I then took the path to access the fex file and change the parameters myself.




Sooner or later I also want to attach a 7" display to my SBC, but it should be connectable to Raspberry 2 & Banana without HDMI (this is were I am uncertain about DSI and number of pins) until then I follow others.

In this thread you might find some ideas to solve your problem ?





LeMaker fex configuration for 5in display works for me. The problem I had was from typo I made manually copying values. There are 4 sections that have to be overwritten, then you have to load ft5x_ts module to get touch working.


So I have decided to post a bit more detailed information, maybe doing this will also help me get an idea of where my mistake is :)
Thanks for all answers and support. It's very appreciated.



jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo cp /boot/script.bin script.bin.new
jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo bin2fex script.bin.new script.fex.new
fexc-bin: script.bin.new: version: 0.1.2
fexc-bin: script.bin.new: size: 50500 (86 sections)
jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo nano script.fex.new


ctp_used = 1
ctp_name = "ft5x_ts"
ctp_twi_id = 3
ctp_twi_addr = 0x38
ctp_screen_max_x = 1024
ctp_screen_max_y = 600
ctp_revert_x_flag = 0
ctp_revert_y_flag = 0
ctp_exchange_x_y_flag = 0
ctp_firm = 1
ctp_int_port = port:PH09<6><default><default><default>
ctp_wakeup = port:PH07<1><default><default><1>
ctp_io_port = port:PH09<0><default><default><default>

ctp_det_used = 1
ft5x_ts = 1
gt82x = 0
gslX680 = 0
gt9xx_ts = 0
gt811 = 0

disp_init_enable = 1
disp_mode = 0
screen0_output_type = 1
screen0_output_mode = 4
screen1_output_type = 2
screen1_output_mode = 11
fb0_framebuffer_num = 2
fb0_format = 10
fb0_pixel_sequence = 0
fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1
fb1_framebuffer_num = 2
fb0_format = 10
fb0_pixel_sequence = 0
fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1
fb1_framebuffer_num = 2
fb1_format = 10
fb1_pixel_sequence = 0
fb1_scaler_mode_enable = 0
lcd0_backlight = 197
lcd1_backlight = 197
lcd0_bright = 50
lcd0_contrast = 50
lcd0_saturation = 57
lcd0_hue = 50
lcd1_bright = 50
lcd1_contrast = 50
lcd1_saturation = 57
lcd1_hue = 50

lcd_used = 1
lcd_x = 1024
lcd_y = 600
lcd_dclk_freq = 55
lcd_pwm_not_used = 0
lcd_pwm_ch = 0
lcd_pwm_freq = 22000
lcd_pwm_pol = 0
lcd_max_bright = 240
lcd_min_bright = 64
lcd_if = 0
lcd_hbp = 150
lcd_ht = 1344
lcd_vbp = 20
lcd_vt = 1270
lcd_vspw = 10
lcd_hspw = 50
lcd_hv_if = 0
lcd_hv_smode = 0
lcd_hv_s888_if = 0
lcd_hv_syuv_if = 0
lcd_lvds_ch = 0
lcd_lvds_mode = 0
lcd_lvds_bitwidth = 0
lcd_lvds_io_cross = 0
lcd_cpu_if = 0
lcd_frm = 0
lcd_io_cfg0 = 268435456
lcd_gamma_correction_en = 0
lcd_gamma_tbl_0 = 0x0
lcd_gamma_tbl_1 = 0x10101
lcd_gamma_tbl_255 = 0xffffff
lcd_bl_en_used = 1
lcd_bl_en = port:PH08<1><0><default><1>
lcd_power_used = 1

 Save changes in nano

Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?                                                                                           


File Name to Write: script.fex.new  


FEX2BIN and then link script.bin to new bin

jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo fex2bin script.fex.new script.bin.new
jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo cp script.bin.new /boot/bin/custom.bin
jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo ln -sf /boot/bin/custom.bin /boot/script.bin
jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sync
jake@bananapipro:/sunxi-tools$ sudo reboot

Screen turns on but doesn't display anything (black display), backlight works, ssh works fine.




satus reports


[    6.856377] systemd[1]: Cannot add dependency job for unit display-manager.service, ignoring: Unit display-manager.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
[    8.654033] ===========================ft5x_ts_init=====================
[    8.663604] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para. 
[    8.673023] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: after: ctp_twi_addr is 0x38, dirty_addr_buf: 0x38. dirty_addr_buf[1]: 0xfffe 
[    8.685834] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: ctp_twi_id is 3. 
[    8.690387] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: screen_max_x = 1024. 
[    8.725071] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: screen_max_y = 600. 
[    8.729449] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: revert_x_flag = 0. 
[    8.749477] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: revert_y_flag = 0. 
[    8.776921] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: exchange_x_y_flag = 0. 
[    8.784616] ft5x_ts_init: after fetch_sysconfig_para:  normal_i2c: 0x38. normal_i2c[1]: 0xfffe 
[    8.794218] ctp_init_platform_resource: tp_reset request gpio fail!
[    8.800883] ctp_init_platform_resource: No power port feature present.
[    8.802440] ctp_wakeup. 
[    9.062955] incomplete xfer (0x20)
[    9.065387] incomplete xfer (0x20)
[    9.068083] incomplete xfer (0x20)
[    9.082747] ctp_detect: Detected chip ft5x_ts at adapter 3, address 0x38
[    9.120519] ====ft5x_ts_probe begin=====.  
[    9.153301] input: ft5x_ts as /devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.3/i2c-3/3-0038/input/input2
[    9.165204] ctp_set_irq_mode: config gpio to int mode. 
[    9.174096] ctp_set_irq_mode, 225: gpio_int_info, port = 8, port_num = 9. 
[    9.178001]  INTERRUPT CONFIG
[    9.181752] ==ft5x_ts_probe over =


jake@bananapipro:~$ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
cpufreq_userspace       3540  0 
mali                  112222  0 
ump                    61778  1 mali
ft5x_ts                44098  0 
spidev                  6339  0 
ap6211                622561  0 
a20_tp                  3294  0 
8021q                  18659  0 
garp                    6084  1 8021q
stp                     2028  1 garp
llc                     5421  2 stp,garp
sunxi_ir                4044  0 
hidp                   17740  0 
rfcomm                 58820  0 
hci_uart               25074  0 
bluetooth             265449  5 hidp,hci_uart,rfcomm


Well, after wracking my brain like crazy i reconnected the display, tripled checked the hardware. It's working now so thanks. At least someone can read this and learn how to set the display hahaha


Thanks for all the help!

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