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OdroidC4 with Hardkernel Display VU7Aplus: Display dimensions not detected properly?

Go to solution Solved by andi61,

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Hello to all,

I have an OdroidC4 with a Hardkernel HDMI Display VU7Aplus.
I installed latest image 22.11 XFCE.


I think the display size via display data channel is not properly handled.
If a lot of text is to be displayed (see pic with the setting of the locale after first login), the lowest lines disappear.
So you have to type in the language/continent/country settings blind, because there is no input prompt to be seen.
Even when the GUI desktop starts, there is the same issue. When you open a terminal window, the lower border of the window
disappears (see pic).

Is there a way to configure the display size manually?


I also did a complete new build (Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Odroidc4_jammy_current_6.1.11_xfce_desktop) , there is the same problem, as with the stable image from the download area.

Thanks for any help in advance






Hello to all,


I read the forum und docs and I have to review my previous post:
Within XFCE desktop the resolution is correct (1024*600), which I could determine via display settings.
When I opened the terminal window out of the menu (it shows thereafter with lower edge out of display) this was a bit missleading: ONLY THIS window shows this behaviour, all
other windows are working fine. And I found another terminal window within "system" menu, called XFCE Terminal. This also works fine.
Why there are two differrent terminal windows in XFCE I don´t know...

But if it comes to the CLI images I still have the problem with too many lines in the terminal.

I tried all sorts of configuration in boot.cmd, even with:
setenv display_autodetect "false"
setenv hdmimode "custombuilt"
setenv modeline "1024,600,49000,37347,60,1024,1029,1042,1312,600,602,605,622,0,1,1"

And sure I compiled it with "mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr" to make it effective.
There was never a change in the command line interface. Always too many lines printed, so I cannot work with it properly.
Actually if I compare the output on the HDMI-Display with the debug serial output via Putty, there are about 7 lines which are missing on the HDMI-Display because it does not scroll.


--> the modeline string I got from investigating the original Hardkernel Boot Partition, there is a file display.bin, which isn´t a binary, but an ASCII-File with this contents:
"Auto Detect OK:custombuilt,hdmi(1024,600,49000,37347,60,1024,1029,1042,1312,600,602,605,622,0,1,1)"
This implies that the Hardkernel folks use the "custombuilt" option too for their displays?


I am aware of the fact that there are difficulties in between armbian and Hardkernel due to lack of support from Hardkernel.
But on the other side when I had to decide what SBC to buy for a new project, the OdroidC4 seemed to be not a bad choice. It has eMMC and a reliable power plug (instead of micro-USB).
So I bought the display from the same vendor as well to be compatible.

Maybe many others decided it the same way like me and might have the same problems too. So a solution would help them as well.

I would very much appreciate a hint how to reduce the number of printed lines in the command line interface, or how these lines can be adjusted in respect to the display resolution.

Thanks a lot indeed





  • Solution

Found the solution now:
Using "stty size" it tells me that my HDMI terminal is set to 48 rows and 128 columns.
But in reality only 37 rows are visible.
So this could be easily readjusted with stty rows 37.


I am happy, problem solved.


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