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This week I installed Armbian on three BananaPi M5s.  The OS ran fine from SD card, but once installed to emmc (using armbian-config) the system booted with a message that the file space available was zero.  In the case of one of the boards I found an 8GB .img file in /media/my userid/.  I assumed it was a copy of the 8GB SD card, and I deleted it.  The system is fine now.  But in the case of the other two I have  yet to determine what is consumbing all the file space.  There are two empty directoris in /media (mmcboot and mmcroot).


Any idea what is causing this and more importantly how to fix the two existing systems?





The image is Armbian_22.11.3_Bananapim5_jammy_current_6.1.4_gnome_desktop.img.xz

The files were created during armbian-config installing the OS from the SD card to internal emmc.

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