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How to enable SPI


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Hi im not Linux user not all, can someone point me how to enable SPI ? 

I try this:


Enabling SPI

Enable the hardware through config:

sudo armbian-config

switch on SPI in System>Hardware>SPI-spidev & save

Update /etc/modules:

sudo nano /etc/modules

to include the following line:


Update /boot/armbianEnv.txt :

sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt

to include the following:

param_spidev_spi_bus=1 #origianl is 0 but the resonance measurement.py module expects 1 so easier to fix here


The commands to verify the SPI bus should return output like:

$ ls /dev/spi* 


$ ls -l /dev/spi*

crw——- 1 root root 153, 0 Aug 25 11:05 /dev/spidev1.0

$ lsmod | grep -i spi

spidev 20480 1


But on $ ls /dev/spi* give me 

ls: cannot access '/dev/spi*': No such file or directory





Keep in mind English is not my native language.


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I had the same issue with a NanoPi Neo, your steps worked for me, with version Armbian_21.02.1_Nanopineo_bionic_current_5.10.12.

It do not work with version




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