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Odroid N2+ HDMI Audio not working


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Hi all, after installing the latest version of Armbian (Jammy 6.1.11 desktop) I found that HDMI monitor audio is not working. With the Ubuntu MATE version of odroid the audio worked. Armbian seems more powerful and its look is much better than MATE, I hope I can solve all the problems because I don't want to go back to MATE anymore, How can I make HDMI audio work? Thanks in advance...


PS. I have already updated the firmware to full with the WiFi USB stick problem which has since been resolved

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sudo amixer -c 0 set 'TOHDMITX' 'on'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' 'I2S B'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SRC 2 EN' 'on'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 0'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 2 SEL' 'OUT 1'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 3 SEL' 'OUT 2'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'ACODEC' '85%' # not needed for the C4
sudo alsactl store



sudo amixer -c 0 set 'TOACODEC OUT EN' 'on'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'TOACODEC SRC' 'I2S B'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SRC 2 EN' 'on'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 0'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 2 SEL' 'OUT 1'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 3 SEL' 'OUT 2'
sudo amixer -c 0 set 'ACODEC' '85%'
sudo alsactl store


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