Hqnicolas Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 (edited) 🏆 Become a sponsor, help to add other boards in armbian standart, you don't need to be a programmer to help the community, just need a copy of the ARM BOARD and a x86 computer to compile new versions. If you like what you see here and want to help: Donate Armbian the like button only costs a few dollars. Armbian Needs you help! This Armbian adventure was summarized in my Public Github Repository. H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb Ram SD-Card unofficial images: Tutorial SD-Card Version v0.5 ARMBIAN BETA unofficial H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Chainloader to mainline HotnikQ unofficial images: Tutorial EMMC Version V0.7 ARMBIAN BETA unofficial H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Mainline Boot Hzdm unofficial images: Tutorial EMMC Version v0.8 ARMBIAN unofficial H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Mainline Boot Hzdm unofficial images: Tutorial EMMC Version v0.9 ARMBIAN BETA unofficial H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Chainloader to mainline HotnikQ unofficial images: Tutorial EMMC Version v1.0 ARMBIAN unofficial H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Hzdm Mainline Boot Custom unofficial images: Tutorial Build Your own Armbian EMMC unofficial image H96 MAX V56 RK3566 EMMC Raspiblitz HotnikQ unofficial images: Tutorial Build Raspiblitz on EMMC Armbian Bullseye unofficial H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Hzdm Mainline Boot unofficial images: Tutorial Build Your own V1.1 Armbian EMMC unofficial image H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb Vendor Kernel 5.1.16 Tutorial Build Your own Armbian Rockchip Kernel vendor Kernel 5.1.16 Armbian Joshua Riek Ubuntu Rockchip Images kernel 5.1 H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb Vendor Kernel 6.1.43 Tutorial Build Your own Armbian Rockchip Kernel vendor Kernel 6.1.43 Armbian Joshua Riek Ubuntu Rockchip Images Kernel 6.1 H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb EMMC Ning Mainline Kernel: Armbian EMMC official image Armbian Desktop Gnome kernel The Latest official Debian BookWorm Server Kernel Minimal The Latest official Desktop Test Images: Pre-Build Desktop 22.04 Armbian Test Image (PT-BR) Community Official Images: Armbian_community_25.2.0-trunk.410_H96-tvbox-3566_bookworm_current_6.12.11_minimal.img.xz Armbian_community_25.2.0-trunk.410_H96-tvbox-3566_noble_current_6.12.11_gnome_desktop.img.xz Bleding Edge images: Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_noble_edge_6.13.0_cinnamon_desktop.tar.xz Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_jammy_edge_6.13.0_cinnamon_desktop.tar.xz Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_bookworm_edge_6.13.0_cinnamon_desktop.tar.xz Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_noble_edge_6.13.0_minimal.tar.xz Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_bookworm_edge_6.13.0_minimal.tar.xz Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_H96-tvbox-3566_jammy_edge_6.13.0_minimal.tar.xz Joshua-Riek Vendor Images: Joshua-Riek-ubuntu-22.04-preinstalled-desktop-arm64-h96max-v56 Joshua-Riek-ubuntu-22.04-preinstalled-server-arm64-h96max-v56 Joshua-Riek-ubuntu-24.04-preinstalled-desktop-arm64-h96max-v56 Joshua-Riek-ubuntu-24.04-preinstalled-server-arm64-h96max-v56 Software description: V0.5 = @armbian The Armbian SD card image "Compiled From Armbian Project" V0.8 = @hzdm Project with Mainline Bootloader "Boot the 64gb Emmc Armbian with Mainline Rockchip" V0.9 = @hzdm Release Mainline Bootloader "Boot the 32gb and 64gb Emmc Armbian with Mainline Rockchip" V1.0 = @hotnikq The Armbian SD card inside the Android Legacy Rockchip Image "Two Original Glued Images: Android boot for Linux" V1.2 = @ning Release Device Tree and Bootloader to longterm 6.6.27 Kernel "Boot with Mainline Rockchip" V1.3 = @Hqnicolas Github PR Enable h96 Rk3566 TV-Box device for Kernel 6.8 V1.4 = @pocosparc Github PR Enable OpenVFD and IR controller V1.5 = @dfahren Github PR Update U-boot 2025.01 for Kernel 6.12+ Video drivers: https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/mali-drivers/bifrost-kernel https://docs.mesa3d.org/download.html https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/panfrost.html Wifi Driver: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B1LmAylalETcnBEWiPiJHL0MjK5xlIV4/view?usp=sharing UEFI: https://github.com/hqnicolas/h96v56_uefi/releases/tag/v1.2.1 Or Just Live install Wifi Driver: cd /lib/firmware/brcm/ sudo wget https://github.com/CoreELEC/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml/raw/master/firmware/brcm/fw_bcm4335b0_ag.bin sudo ln -s fw_bcm4335b0_ag.bin brcmfmac4335-sdio.h96-TVbox,rk3566.bin sudo reboot now nmcli dev wifi Quote sudo cat > /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt << "EOF" # bcm94335wlcspMS_ES50_RC171p24p23_04052013_AM_mdfy_PAparam.txt -- 4/5/2013 by Murata, based on bcm94335wlcspMS_ES50_RC171p24p20_04022013_AM.txt, changed PA parameters and txidxcap parameters and ccode. # bcm94335wlcspMS_ES50_RC171p24p20_04022013_AM.txt -- 4/2/2013 by Broadcom Corporation # Use with AARDVARK_REL_6_30_171_24_23 -- Murata BCM4335 WLCSP 11AC Module # Sample variables file for Murata Type-XJ ES5.0 (0x00 0x11) -- bcm94335wlcspMS_AM_P400.txt as original sromrev=11 boardrev=0x1500 boardtype=0x064b boardflags=0x10401001 boardflags2=0x0 #updated boardflags3 for forcing to enable external LPO boardflags3=0x0800c08b macaddr=00:90:4c:c5:12:38 #ccode modified by Murata #ccode=0 ccode=XS regrev=0 antswitch=0 pdgain5g=1 pdgain2g=1 tworangetssi2g=0 tworangetssi5g=0 femctrl=4 vendid=0x14e4 devid=0x43ae manfid=0x2d0 #prodid=0x052e nocrc=1 #otpimagesize=502 xtalfreq=37400 extpagain2g=1 extpagain5g=1 rxgains2gelnagaina0=2 rxgains2gtrisoa0=6 rxgains2gtrelnabypa0=1 rxgains5gelnagaina0=3 rxgains5gtrisoa0=5 rxgains5gtrelnabypa0=1 rxchain=1 txchain=1 aa2g=1 aa5g=1 ag0=0 ag1=0 tssipos5g=1 tssipos2g=1 #PA parameters (2G20M/2G40M/5G20M/5G40M/5G80M) #PA parameters modified by Murata #pa2ga0=-208,6208,-764 #pa2ga1=-203,6429,-793 #pa5ga0=-167,5736,-685,-157,5669,-670,-157,5548,-665,-141,5621,-664 #pa5ga1=-101,6543,-735,-99,6452,-731,-147,5743,-695,-75,6468,-723 #pa5ga2=-172,5903,-708,-160,5868,-698,-113,6264,-722,-125,5915,-684 pa2ga0=0xff31,0x1759,0xFD1D pa2ga1=0xff35,0x18BB,0xFCEC pa5ga0=0xff78,0x1715,0xFD49,0xff89,0x1714,0xFD57,0xff86,0x1652,0xFD62,0xffa9,0x1760,0xFD5E pa5ga1=0xff56,0x1596,0xFD5F,0xff88,0x1764,0xFD45,0xff89,0x1632,0xFD65,0xff69,0x160E,0xFD49 pa5ga2=0xff5a,0x1667,0xFD4E,0xff5f,0x15F7,0xFD5E,0xff5a,0x1531,0xFD68,0xff6e,0x1587,0xFD6A # Default Target Power for 2G -- 17dBm(11)/14dBm(54)/13dBm(MCS7,MCS8)/16dBm(6,MCS0) maxp2ga0=74 cckbw202gpo=0 cckbw20ul2gpo=0 dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo=0x6666 ofdmlrbw202gpo=0x0022 mcsbw202gpo=0x88866662 # Default Target Power for 5G -- 14dBm(54)/13dBm(HT20-MCS7,VHT20-MCS8)/12dBm(HT40-MCS7,VHT40-MCS9)/11dBm(VHT80-MCS8/MCS9)/16dBm(6,20HT-MCS0) maxp5ga0=74,74,74,74 # Low mcslr5glpo=0 mcsbw205glpo=0x88866662 mcsbw405glpo=0xAAA88884 mcsbw805glpo=0xCCCAAAA6 # Mid mcslr5gmpo=0 mcsbw205gmpo=0x88866662 mcsbw405gmpo=0xAAA88884 mcsbw805gmpo=0xCCCAAAA6 # High mcslr5ghpo=0 mcsbw205ghpo=0x88866662 mcsbw405ghpo=0xAAA88884 mcsbw805ghpo=0xCCCAAAA6 #20MHz High Rate sb20in40hrpo=0x0 sb20in80and160hr5glpo=0x0 sb20in80and160hr5gmpo=0x0 sb20in80and160hr5ghpo=0x0 #40MHz High Rate sb40and80hr5glpo=0x0 sb40and80hr5gmpo=0x0 sb40and80hr5ghpo=0x0 #20MHz Low Rate sb20in40lrpo=0x0 sb20in80and160lr5glpo=0x0 sb20in80and160lr5gmpo=0x0 sb20in80and160lr5ghpo=0x0 #40MHz Low Rate sb40and80lr5glpo=0x0 sb40and80lr5gmpo=0x0 sb40and80lr5ghpo=0x0 dot11agduphrpo=0x0 dot11agduplrpo=0x0 tssifloor2g=80 tssifloor5g=160,190,240,260 #rpcal:use with 171.17 or later, compensates filter ripple rpcal2g=0x0 rpcal5gb0=0x0 #cckdigfilttype[0-7] 0:default cckdigfilttype=2 phycal_tempdelta=25 #GPIO 0 for SDIO HW OOB interruption muxenab=0x10 #sd_gpout=0 #sd_oobonly=1 rssicorrnorm_c0=-3,-2 rssicorrnorm5g_c0=-1,0,-3,-1,0,-3,-3,-2,-4,-3,-2,-4 #txidxcap2g and txidxcap5g modified by Murata #txidxcap2g=32 #txidxcap5g=44 txidxcap2g=36 txidxcap5g=36 paparambwver=1 EOF sudo rmmod brcmfmac_wcc brcmfmac brcmutil modprobe brcmfmac Topic description: This topic aims to demonstrate the path taken to the Armibian EMMC solution. In our path we create a lot of ready-to-use ROM files, some users burn an use this images without learning with the Linux compilation process. the name of the topic is efforts but that's no effort at all, you should try compile your own images. Device Capability Test: Using Rockchip SoCs NPU. Drivers: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknpu2 User Guide: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknpu2/blob/master/doc/Rockchip_RKNPU_User_Guide_RKNN_API_V1.4.0_EN.pdf OpenCV: https://opencv.org/blog/2022/11/29/working-with-neural-processing-units-npus-using-opencv/ A discussion on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OrangePI/comments/12b3jmj/accessing_the_npu_on_the_orange_pi/ Transformers models: https://github.com/usefulsensors/useful-transformers Usage: https://www.crowdsupply.com/useful-sensors/ai-in-a-box/ Usage: https://youtu.be/pN8mKZ5wpdQ Edited February 2 by Hqnicolas 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 21, 2023 Author Posted June 21, 2023 (edited) How i will did this image? I simply applied everything that was already said in the other topic, I will repeat .... The only difference is the loader.bin: Uboot Legacy, Parameter.txt to create the Rockchip image On 6/8/2023 at 7:16 PM, hotnikq said: if you wanna do all that creepy again with other devices and images, (please do it on other devices) and topic this is all you need to create this image, first step: Compile armbian on linux desktop dont forgot to do it with modified DTS file: in this case DTB + DTS Files for you to edit because you want to help the community any resemblance to this topic is mere adaptation Mount that image virtual device like /media/armbian_boot fdisk -l your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img mount -o loop your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img /media/armbian_boot if you can't "like WSL2" sudo apt-get install kpartx sudo kpartx -av your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img sudo mount -o loop /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/armbian_boot Second Step: prepare an sd card or usb flash dummy , can be anithing with 6gb fdisk /dev/mmcblk1 N default default (lower this value to match the size of your root image) T 1 W third step: format that flash drive for ext4 mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1 fourth step: mount that clear partition and copy the entire virtual drive to the flash device mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt rsync -avx /media/armbian_boot/ /mnt fifth Step: Edit your uuid From Armbian Boot config "uuid for /dev/mmcblk1p1" blkid nano -w /mnt/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf sync umount /mnt sixth step: make an hardware RAW.img from hardware flash drive with these parameters sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=~/root.img bs=4096 status=progress PS: can be /dev/SDA" I do it on my h96max" so it's mmcblk1 now you have an ROOT IMAGE MADE BY YOURSELF! Update.img CREATE the Update Image on linux with the rockchip software. Linux Pack Rockchip Firmware Quote /Downloads/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev$ ./mkupdate.sh start to make update.img... Android Firmware Package Tool v1.66 ------ PACKAGE ------ Add file: ./package-file Add file: ./package-file done,offset=0x800,size=0x1ce,userspace=0x1 Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin done,offset=0x1000,size=0x729c0,userspace=0xe6 Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt done,offset=0x74000,size=0x1aa,userspace=0x1 Add file: ./Image/dtbo.img Add file: ./Image/dtbo.img done,offset=0x74800,size=0x26f,userspace=0x1 Add file: ./Image/uboot.img Add file: ./Image/uboot.img done,offset=0x75000,size=0x400000,userspace=0x800 Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt done,offset=0x475000,size=0x19e,userspace=0x1 Add file: ./Image/rootfs.img Add file: ./Image/rootfs.img done,offset=0x475800,size=0x11f213e00,userspace=0x23e428 Add CRC... Make firmware OK! ------ OK ------ ********RKImageMaker ver 1.66******** Generating new image, please wait... Writing head info... Writing boot file... Writing firmware... Generating MD5 data... MD5 data generated successfully! New image generated successfully! Making ./Image/update.img OK. Expand ./mkupdate.sh Uboot Legacy, Parameter.txt to create the Rockchip image Probably you can create a solid single file.img How? Just changing the parameter.txt file seting it UP to stop Grow! Stop grow: by setting it to a FIXED VALUE instead of -@0x00038000(root:grow) I think Rockchip grow function is messing with armbian ext4 by the whrong way open new topics when performing this procedure on a device other than the H96MAX I will be happy to help This topic is Closed until Kernel 7 i dont wanna talk about RK3566 for the rest of my short life Edited December 3, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 21, 2023 Author Posted June 21, 2023 (edited) 🏆 help to add other boards in armbian standart, you don't need to be a programmer to help the community,just need a copy of the ARM BOARD and a x86 computer to compile new versions. Edited November 4, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 21, 2023 Author Posted June 21, 2023 (edited) Considere doar o seu hardware para a comunidade Armbian. Edited November 4, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 (edited) @hotnikq I have downloaded the firmware root.img and update.img When I use RkDevTool v2.86 to select the Firmware update.img follow step1, there is a error "Loading firmware failed!" at the RkDevTool Is the reason for the error due to the fact that the firmware is not FIT firmware? How can I flash the two firmware, THX! Edited June 23, 2023 by mvpwar 1 Quote
gersones Posted June 24, 2023 Posted June 24, 2023 (edited) Thanks, @hotnikq! @mvpwar But I'm having the same issue! I tried on RkDevTool v2.95 and v2.86. Unfortunately, I still know nothing about how to build an image from scratch so I'm looking like crazy for one that will work on my Vontar KK Max (yeah, I know this is for H96 Max but, as I said, I'm desperately already because it was not so cheap). I really hated the Android 11 UI of this box (tried another launchers but none is better than the stock). So I think Armbian would be a much more useful for it. Edited June 24, 2023 by gersones incorrect parenthesis 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 24, 2023 Author Posted June 24, 2023 (edited) On 6/22/2023 at 10:12 PM, mvpwar said: Is the reason for the error due to the fact that the firmware is not FIT firmware? finally an adventurer to test this shit I made, now I'm going to redo it and publish it again when it is recompiled I will ask you to test again remembering that this is not my device it's just an adaptation for 8gb New Link 11 hours ago, gersones said: Vontar KK Max Start from scratch! Create a new topic, and name it: "Efforts to develop firmware for Vontar KK Max 4gb/32gb" put pictures from your device and links to the android ROM images that already works on device apply this method to decompile android image share the DTB files, the uBoot files, the miniloader.bin all on your topic my case took more than 8 months to show any result but now we are on kernel 6 and things got faster, look this example Edited June 24, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 24, 2023 Author Posted June 24, 2023 (edited) @gersones and @mvpwar Link updated to Update.img, can you test it again? I'm waiting for prince charming to solve the usb 2.0 problem Edited June 24, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 Unfortunately, My box has been damaged while repairing the broken USB2.0 pins 😅 What bad My hands-on ability is !!! Thank you all the same @hotnikq 0 Quote
gersones Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 Sorry @hotnikq but you don't have to bother anymore (about Vontar KK Max). I think I just bricked the device though I read somewhere Rockchip devices were unbrickable. I was so close to make it because I finally was successful in booting into Armbian (bookworm - kernel 5.10.x) and I f**ked it when, in an attempt to write it to the eMMC, I accidentaly erased all the partitions instead of letting the bootloader partition alone. Now my box doesn't get out of Maskmode anymore, no matter what I do. I tried different versions of RkDevTool but I think I have no idea of what I'm doing anymore. But thank you anyway. 0 Quote
gersones Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 @hotnikq Okay, now I understand absolutely nothing. Excepted the fact that I was able to boot Armbian as I told, everything (PC, electronics) went wrong "today" (now is "tomorrow" already in here). After solving my computer BIOS little problem, I tried to flash the stock firmware (Android 11) with the RkDevTool and it did (I tried about thirty times or more for real). I'm coming to the conclusion that I'll never understand anything about "computers" (gadgets and related thing in TIC) and how it works nor how it doesn't work. I'll try again (Armbian that had worked) and give an update. Regards 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 25, 2023 Author Posted June 25, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, gersones said: accidentaly erased all the partitions instead of letting the bootloader partition alone Just flash the original Android firmware again. If it doesn't work you will need to: do the clk - gnd short on emmc And connect the device at the same time After connect, just release the short Probably you will find a tutorial on 4pda forum If you Post two side pictures from your board hardware here, I will show the clk and gnd pins It's unbreakable like a rock cheap Edited June 25, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 25, 2023 Author Posted June 25, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, mvpwar said: My box has been damaged With the firmware working very well, I mean.... Can I flag this firmware as "working"? As I said, I don't have this 8gb cheap Chinese box I just have the cheapest cheap 4gb chip Edited June 25, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
gersones Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 @hotnikq Now the update flashes but when it's done it goes to Maskrom mode no matter how many times I disconnect/reconnect while pressing the back button with a toothpick. But I think my male usb to male usb isn't reliable since it fails many times to connect into both loader or maskrom while pressing the back button (now I think this was the problem I faced earlier). I have no idea why a reboots "fix" it but I'm able to flash only once then I start to get these issues. Sorry. I'll try to buy another cable asap. 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 25, 2023 Author Posted June 25, 2023 7 hours ago, gersones said: Now the update flashes but when it's done it goes to Maskrom mode no matter how many times I disconnect/reconnect while pressing the back button with a toothpick. This is the Vontar kk Max? That's happens because incompatible loader.Bin Your device uses different memory. 19 hours ago, hotnikq said: Start from scratch! Create a new topic, and name it: "Efforts to develop firmware for Vontar KK Max 4gb/32gb" put pictures from your device and links to the android ROM images that already works on device apply this method to decompile android image share the DTB files, the uBoot files, the miniloader.bin all on your topic my case took more than 8 months to show any result but now we are on kernel 6 and things got faster, look this example 1 Quote
gersones Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 Understood. Lastly, do you know any method to extract the original .dtb (as Android systems "are" Linux, they also work with .dtb binaries?). If so, I'd need to extract mine because the only .dtb that worked with my device so far only sees 4GB RAM instead of the 8GB. But I don't really know if this limitation is the image limitation (kernel used) or if is a .dtb that specifies only 4GB RAM. Anyway, I'll stop posting here about Vontar KK Max and will create a new topic. Thanks @hotnikq 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 25, 2023 Author Posted June 25, 2023 2 hours ago, gersones said: Lastly, do you know any method to extract the original .dtb (as Android systems "are" Linux, they also work with .dtb binaries?). The link to the method 22 hours ago, hotnikq said: apply this method to decompile android image share the DTB files, the uBoot files, the miniloader.bin all on your topic 0 Quote
gersones Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 (edited) About the new topic: Which tag do I put (required field) since there's no rk3566 available and the Armbian which worked for me is a "station-m3"? About my attempts: I was able to extract multiple .dtb files from the boot.img (unpacked from the original Vontar KK Max firmware) but I have no idea how can I join these 01-first.dtb 02-second.dtb 03-third.dtb files into a single .dtb that I'll try to put into the working Armbian and point it in extlinux.conf to see if the 8gb RAM are recognized or if it's the kernel's limitation. Edited June 25, 2023 by gersones just checked that theres "other" tag in the tag list for creating a new post 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 25, 2023 Author Posted June 25, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, gersones said: Which tag do I put (required field) Click Here and do it. 3 hours ago, gersones said: was able to extract multiple .dtb files from the boot.img (unpacked from the original Vontar KK Max firmware) but I have no idea how can I join these 01-first.dtb 02-second.dtb 03-third.dtb files into a single .dtb that I'll try to put into the working Armbian and point it in extlinux.conf to see if the 8gb RAM are recognized or if it's the kernel's limitation. you will need to publish all of them in your topic since every DTB correspound to a device type, 4gb, 8gb, differente lan card... etc Edited June 25, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
gersones Posted June 25, 2023 Posted June 25, 2023 posted: Efforts to develop firmware for Vontar KK Max 8gb/128gb 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted June 26, 2023 Author Posted June 26, 2023 (edited) @mvpwar and @Kenneth Hidalgo did you test the new version of this tutorial? it's flagged as untested until somebody came back here and reply this topic as "tested" just like you tested the first version Edited June 26, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted June 30, 2023 Posted June 30, 2023 (edited) On 6/25/2023 at 12:59 PM, hotnikq said: With the firmware working very well, I mean.... Can I flag this firmware as "working"? No, after 1step flashing your new update.img, Maskrom mode happen... Only the debian 10.10 image works @hotnikq+ cs1 chA ca0 min: 0x38, mid:0x7e max:0xc5, range:0x8d cs1 chA ca1 min: 0x45, mid:0x7e max:0xb7, range:0x72 cs1 chA ca2 min: 0x31, mid:0x75 max:0xba, range:0x89 cs1 chA ca3 min: 0x3c, mid:0x76 max:0xb1, range:0x75 cs1 chA ca4 min: 0x33, mid:0x76 max:0xba, range:0x87 cs1 chA ca5 min: 0x3b, mid:0x75 max:0xb0, range:0x75 cs1 chA CS min: 0x3b, mid:0x6f max:0xa4, range:0x69 cs1 chB ca0 min: 0x37, mid:0x7c max:0xc1, range:0x8a cs1 chB ca1 min: 0x3e, mid:0x78 max:0xb3, range:0x75 cs1 chB ca2 min: 0x32, mid:0x75 max:0xb8, range:0x86 cs1 chB ca3 min: 0x39, mid:0x74 max:0xaf, range:0x76 cs1 chB ca4 min: 0x31, mid:0x74 max:0xb8, range:0x87 cs1 chB ca5 min: 0x37, mid:0x72 max:0xad, range:0x76 cs1 chB CS min: 0x3a, mid:0x6b max:0x9d, range:0x63 RX DQS Train result: cs0, DQS0:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:17 cs0, DQS1:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:23 cs0, DQS2:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:14 cs0, DQS3:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:26 cs1, DQS0:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:20 cs1, DQS1:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:26 cs1, DQS2:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:17 cs1, DQS3:cyc:3,oph:5,dll:28 out U-Boot SPL board init U-Boot SPL 2017.09-gc613b7ea04-210315 #zzz (Mar 15 2021 - 18:08:14) unknown raw ID phN unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: 00, 00, 00 Trying to boot from MMC2 MMC error: The cmd index is 1, ret is -110 Card did not respond to voltage select! mmc_init: -95, time 10 spl: mmc init failed with error: -95 Trying to boot from MMC1 SPL: A/B-slot: _a, successful: 0, tries-remain: 7 Not fit magic Trying fit image at 0x5000 sector Not fit magic SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### # Reset the board to bootrom # Edited July 1, 2023 by mvpwar 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted July 1, 2023 Posted July 1, 2023 when I unpack the old update.img (can not be chosen to upgrade Firmware by RKDevTool directly) to path "RockChip_FactoryTool_v5.3\Temp\Android\Image" by FactoryTool V5.3 and manual run the partion img by RKDevTool, it can run the Loader device now! after flashing the armbian root.img , ttl debug below U-Boot SPL board init U-Boot SPL 2017.09-gc613b7ea04-210315 #zzz (Mar 15 2021 - 18:08:14) unknown raw ID phN unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: 00, 00, 00 Trying to boot from MMC2 MMC error: The cmd index is 1, ret is -110 Card did not respond to voltage select! mmc_init: -95, time 10 spl: mmc init failed with error: -95 Trying to boot from MMC1 SPL: A/B-slot: _a, successful: 0, tries-remain: 6 ## Verified-boot: 0 ## Checking atf-1 0x00040000 ... sha256+ OK ## Checking uboot 0x00a00000 ... sha256+ OK ## Checking fdt 0x00b3bb50 ... sha256+ OK ## Checking atf-2 0xfdcc9000 ... sha256+ OK ## Checking atf-3 0xfdcd0000 ... sha256+ OK ## Checking optee 0x08400000 ... sha256+ OK Jumping to U-Boot(0x00a00000) via ARM Trusted Firmware(0x00040000) Total: 226.206 ms INFO: Preloader serial: 2 NOTICE: BL31: v2.3():v2.3-152-g4e725b15f:cl NOTICE: BL31: Built : 10:51:13, Jul 15 2021 INFO: GICv3 without legacy support detected. INFO: ARM GICv3 driver initialized in EL3 INFO: pmu v1 is valid INFO: dfs DDR fsp_param[0].freq_mhz= 780MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_param[1].freq_mhz= 324MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_param[2].freq_mhz= 528MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_param[3].freq_mhz= 780MHz INFO: Using opteed sec cpu_context! INFO: boot cpu mask: 0 INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services INFO: BL31: Initializing BL32 I/TC: I/TC: Start rockchip platform init I/TC: Rockchip release version: 1.0 I/TC: OP-TEE version: 3.6.0-307-g0b06ae94 #1 Fri May 7 01:52:27 UTC 2021 aarch64 I/TC: Initialized INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world INFO: Entry point address = 0xa00000 INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9 U-Boot 2017.09 #qmx_srv (Mar 20 2023 - 17:46:24 +0800) Model: Rockchip RK3568 Evaluation Board PreSerial: 2, raw, 0xfe660000 DRAM: 7.7 GiB Sysmem: init Relocation Offset: ed23d000 Relocation fdt: eb9f8820 - eb9fecd0 CR: M/C/I Using default environment Hotkey: ctrl+` dwmmc@fe2b0000: 1, dwmmc@fe2c0000: 2, sdhci@fe310000: 0 Bootdev(atags): mmc 0 MMC0: HS200, 200Mhz PartType: EFI DM: v1 boot mode: normal FIT: Failed to load resource No resource partition No resource partition Failed to load DTB, ret=-19 No find valid DTB, ret=-22 Failed to get kernel dtb, ret=-22 io-domain: OK Failed to get scmi clk dev dmc_fsp failed, ret=-19 Model: Rockchip RK3568 Evaluation Board rockchip_set_serialno: could not find efuse/otp device CLK: (sync kernel. arm: enter 816000 KHz, init 816000 KHz, kernel 0N/A) apll 816000 KHz dpll 390000 KHz gpll 1188000 KHz cpll 1000000 KHz npll 24000 KHz vpll 24000 KHz hpll 24000 KHz ppll 200000 KHz armclk 816000 KHz aclk_bus 150000 KHz pclk_bus 50000 KHz aclk_top_high 300000 KHz aclk_top_low 200000 KHz hclk_top 150000 KHz pclk_top 50000 KHz aclk_perimid 300000 KHz hclk_perimid 150000 KHz pclk_pmu 100000 KHz Net: No ethernet found. Hit key to stop autoboot('CTRL+C'): 0 ANDROID: reboot reason: "(none)" optee api revision: 2.0 TEEC: Waring: Could not find security partition Not AVB images, AVB skip No valid android hdr Android image load failed Android boot failed, error -1. ## Booting FIT Image at 0xeb7f6e00 with size 0x00000a00 Fdt Ramdisk skip relocation ## Loading kernel from FIT Image at eb7f6e00 ... Using 'conf' configuration ## Verified-boot: 0 Could not find subimage node ERROR: can't get kernel image! ## Booting Rockchip Format Image Could not find kernel partition, ret=-1 Card did not respond to voltage select! mmc_init: -95, time 9 switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0(part 0) is current device Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** ## Error: "mtd_boot" not defined ## Error: "mtd_boot" not defined ## Error: "mtd_boot" not defined starting USB... Bus dwc3@fcc00000: usb maximum-speed not found Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2 Starting the controller USB XHCI 1.10 Bus dwc3@fd000000: usb maximum-speed not found Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2 Starting the controller USB XHCI 1.10 scanning bus dwc3@fcc00000 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus dwc3@fd000000 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found Device 0: unknown device No ethernet found. missing environment variable: pxeuuid missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000000 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0000000 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/000000 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0000 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/000 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/0 No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm-rockchip No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm No ethernet found. missing environment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default No ethernet found. Config file not found No ethernet found. => 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted July 2, 2023 Author Posted July 2, 2023 mmc0(part 0) is current deviceFailed to mount ext2 filesystem...** Unrecognized filesystem type **You need to flash the part 2 tutorialSent from my 22021211RC using Tapatalk 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted July 2, 2023 Posted July 2, 2023 18 minutes ago, hotnikq said: You need to flash the part 2 tutorial you mean the part2 is below link? I had try it many times... could you provide the link? thx @hotnikq On 6/26/2023 at 9:00 AM, hotnikq said: @mvpwar and @Kenneth Hidalgo did you test the new version of this tutorial? 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted July 3, 2023 Author Posted July 3, 2023 (edited) 9 hours ago, mvpwar said: you mean the part2 is below link? I was on a trip, now that I could see all your posts. now i can see, you did all steps on other post. I see you have a debug TTL, and a board different from mine. I see you can run this method using this new box and parse the results @mvpwar publish the results of your board in this post here! since it's an 8gb/64gb Edited July 3, 2023 by hotnikq 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted July 3, 2023 Posted July 3, 2023 8 minutes ago, hotnikq said: now i can see, you did all steps on other post. yes , but I also have done all steps on this post... the same result 12 minutes ago, hotnikq said: I was on a trip, now that I could see all your posts. wish you have a pleasant journey ! very grateful for taking the time to read my post 🫰 @hotnikq 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted July 3, 2023 Author Posted July 3, 2023 On 7/1/2023 at 6:22 AM, mvpwar said: when I unpack the old update.img (can not be chosen to upgrade Firmware by RKDevTool directly) to path "RockChip_FactoryTool_v5.3\Temp\Android\Image" by FactoryTool V5.3 and manual run the partion img by RKDevTool, it can run the Loader device now! after flashing the armbian root.img , ttl debug below yes, you will need to work around the "update.img" file this is how i create the update.img https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k_VUDxwtc-ACayWx4PtAkef0jWk65-jK/view you can try to combine all MiniLoaderAll.bin with uboot.img files.... 0 Quote
Hqnicolas Posted July 3, 2023 Author Posted July 3, 2023 On 7/1/2023 at 6:22 AM, mvpwar said: mmc0(part 0) is current device Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** ## Error: "mtd_boot" not defined ## Error: "mtd_boot" not defined ## Error: "mtd_boot" not defined starting USB... looks like the bootloader dont find the "root.img" partition inside EMMC............ ????did you try to flash both versions from root.img on 0x0000A000 ??? 0 Quote
mvpwar Posted July 3, 2023 Posted July 3, 2023 (edited) 8 minutes ago, hotnikq said: you can try to combine all MiniLoaderAll.bin with uboot.img files.... I have already tried 5 minutes ago, hotnikq said: ????did you try to flash both versions from root.img on 0x0000A000 ??? yes, I both try the root.img of debian12 and armbian by "0x0000A000", the result is the same... I found the 0x0000A000 is the dtb partition start address of Android image , I want to know your GPT partition table of emmc @hotnikq Edited July 3, 2023 by mvpwar 0 Quote
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