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Hello everyone,


I have installed Armbian Bookworm 23.11.1 (kernel 5.10.110).

The fan control does not work. The fan only runs at level 1. None of the many patches I tried worked.


The last one tried was this: https://forum.radxa.com/t/guide-on-how-to-customize-you-pwm-fan-curve/17442


I can adjust the fan manually, but the automatic doesn't work. The "policy" file (/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/policy)

cannot be permanently changed to "step wise" (logged in as root).


After restarting it is back to "user_space"...

The access rights are:

-rw-r--r--1 root root 4096 Feb 1102:42 policy

Owner: = Root Root: = rw

Other: = r


I would assume that the problem lies in the access rights...?

Probably the "Others" group also needs to be given write and execute rights to permanently change policy to "step_wise"?


How can I change the "policy" file so that step_wise is retained even after a restart?


I would be happy if someone could help here.




Addendum to Rock 5B, Fan Control doesn't work:

Armbian support file attached


I would assume the problem is with access rights...?

  • Probably the "Others" group also needs to be given write and execute rights to permanently change the policy to "step_wise"?
  • Or could it be that inheritance plays a role in the access rights - and therefore it is not the rights of the "Policy" file that need to be
    changed, but rather those of the parent folder "thermal_zone0"?
  • How can I change the “policy” file so that the “step_wise” setting is retained even after a restart and the fan control works?

I would be happy if someone could help here.



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