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Can we stop for a second and give credit due to the Armbian posse


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Hey all,

I've been using Allwinner boards for the last couple of years and Armbian+forums have made this a workable thing that I promote to my friends as being The Way To Go instead of being a big fat waste of time. 

Igor + Tkaiser (and anyone else forgive me if I didn't give you a shout) - You fucking rock.  You really do; you've all provided amazing amounts of support for multiple kernels and userspaces and in the face of (at least) bullshit from the chip vendors, yet you are absolutely crucial to them being taken seriously.

The work from Armbian has (for me) made the difference between BananaPi, OrangePi, etc all being an unusable washout of #ShitDidn'tWork, to being something I am excited to build into things and personally promote.


Igor, Tkaiser; I've never met you but your work speaks for itself; you give a shit and you keep giving and shit and THANK YOU FOR THAT.

I just donated you some $. If you're still reading this and you're using their work, you might think about doing same.   FWIW; what turned my head is seeing Igor and crew putting _years_ of work into this. 


Anyway, much, much, much appreciated. From one to another; good job.


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

I bought one Banana and one Orange 18 months ago and the both were unusable with their distros for my needs. Then  I discovered Armbian last December and now it is working. Plenty of information here, but when you are a beginner it is difficult to understand immediately and you have to find the line between your own research and experiment and the easy way to ask on the forum.


Cant't donate right now, I have only 300€ of salary each month in China and it is very difficult for me. I hope one day it will be more easier for me and I will be able to donate.

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My acknowledge to these guys too, and also to zador.blood.stained. The involvement and support I have seen in this project is lot better than most commercial initiatives. I donated because they really deserve it, and that's the real way to say thanks and keep up the good work.

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I do donate a couple of bucks from time to time. But maybe not enough times, I think, seeing I'm using armbian on almost 10 boards (cubies, bananas, oranges, odroids...), some of them for work. I'm really glad Armbian exists and thrives.

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