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No access when using putty ssh between windows 7 and cubietruck A20 with mainline debian jessie 4.9.7

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I have a windows 7 laptop and the A20 cubietruck board with Mainline 4.9.7 Debian Jessie and I need to achieve an ssh connection between them via a wireless router.On cubietruck I have installed opnssh-client and openssh-server and have checked that it listens to port 22. On windows I try with putty to connect to board via ssh. The connection is done , I give username and password but then it freezes and I cannot access any of the folders of the debian. I also tried the mobaxterm but the same result. Does anyone has an idea of what I have done wrong?


On cubietruck I have installed opnssh-client and openssh-server

I don't understand what you did !

Both SSH client and server is already installed in any Armbian, so why did you had installed ?


I give username and password but then it freezes and I cannot access any of the folders

After proper login, this should bring you a shell, in this shell you can do commands like "ls" to see all the files and folders.

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