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Hello everyone!
My sound is only output via hdma, there is complete silence via spdif. And I need spdif specifically :( Any ideas on how to fix this?
My tv-box is H96 max x3, I boot up via the Ugoos x3 device tree.
Who has sound via spdif on a tv-box with Armbian? On which tv-box exactly?


This can be done on S905X3 boxes "tested on the X96AIR-GBIT and H96MAX", but it would require patching the DTS files and applying the correct mixer settings.


	amixer -c 0 set 'TOHDMITX' 'on'
	amixer -c 0 set 'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' 'I2S B'
	amixer -c 0 set 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
	amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SRC 2 EN' 'on'
	amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SRC 3 EN' 'on'
	amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 0'
	amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 2 SEL' 'OUT 1'
	amixer -c 0 set 'FRDDR_A SINK 3 SEL' 'OUT 3'
	amixer -c 0 set 'SPDIFOUT_A SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
	amixer -c 0 set 'ACODEC' '85%'
	alsactl store


Can also boot with mainline u-boot on them, but you would lose the ability to easily go back to Android.


The patch I use for linux 6.6.y;




@c0rnelius  Have you submitted those dts patches upstream? and/or should they be added to Armbian?  I don't have those boxes so I can't test, but maybe helpful to others.


Nah. I haven't submitted them. I've considered doing a PR to Armbian, but just never did as I'm honestly not sure what the state of things are on the Armbian front when it comes to TVBOXES.



Well you are more than welcome to use what you want from the patches for S905X3. I've only run tests on the ones I have of course, but the SPDIF and ANALOG are identical on both. I suspect they are probs generally the same on most of those BOXES.

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