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I am trying to get a led matrix to work via the SPI interface but cannot get it to work.


I have enabled the interface and have an spi-device under /dev and there is a spi-module loaded.


I have tried to connect MOSI and MISO to run spidev-test and everything seems to be fine but when I connect the led-matrix simply nothing happens.


I can run the example-scripts from the luma-matrix library without getting an error - but there is simply nothing appearing on the matrix - however it does light up when I touch it on the backside...


i have tried to use different values for param_spidev_spi_bus and param_spidev_spi_cs in armbianenv.txt but to no avail...


Does anybody have an idea what I could try?


many thanks!


Post the model of the led-matrix and its user manual. Does it give any feedback on the SPI port? Is the example script able to detect errors?


Re-check all the cables


Try the things tried in these threads:





Posted (edited)



thanks for replying.


It is a MAX7219, the manual can be found here: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1509/1638/files/AZ039_A_7-13_EN_B07CRF13ZQ_214c9067-2dde-4ce9-9f90-943eb3046e57.pdf?v=1721043187


The module does not show any reaction to scripts that run without errors. The scripts however do report errors when eg I use the wrong device.


When I touch the backside of the led-matrix it lights up, so it seems my fingers simulate somehow data incoming that it does not seem to get otherwise.


I don't understand the SPI interface very well but could it be that there is something wrong with the cs-signal, so that the pi sends out data but the matrix thinks another slave would be the recipient?


Could it be an issue with a device tree overlay?


And in armbian-config I have a choice of spidev_0_0, spidev_1_0, spidev_1_1, spidev_1_2 and spi_spidev....


What is here the proper selection?

Edited by p789

I now have tried the led-matrix with an arduino and it works perfectly.


So the problem seems indeed to be on the armbian-side.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

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