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[Armbian newsletter] - Armbian Config: The Next Generation

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We are excited to introduce the next generation of the Armbian Config tool! This redesigned and lightweight tool is central to managing single-board computers, offering a wide range of features for both hardware-specific and general system configuration.

Key Advantages:

  • Extremely lightweight with minimal dependencies
  • Redesigned from scratch for better performance and flexibility
  • JSON-based menu structure with options for TUI, CLI, or API

Quick Recap

The armbian-config tool has been essential for configuring single-board computers, combining our long-term expertise in Linux and the embedded world. However, the old version had become bulky and difficult to maintain, prompting us to redesign it from the ground up. This new version offers better performance, flexibility, and robustness. We’re calling on the community to help test and complete it before the upcoming release!

You can help by installing the developer version for testing:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] https://armbian.github.io/configng stable main" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian-development.list > /dev/null  
sudo apt update && sudo apt install armbian-configng


Then, execute:


sudo armbian-configng


Check help with:

sudo bin/armbian-configng --help


Note: This is a developer version meant for testing purposes only.

Users: We Need Your Feedback!

This tool is not yet production-ready, and we expect issues to arise. We encourage you to submit bug reports and feature requests as you encounter them. Our team will address these based on priority and feasibility.


Developers: Show your talent!

We’re looking for developers to contribute to this project! If you have skills in application design, function development, or code improvement, we’d love to have your input. This new tool has been completely redesigned, so it’s more than just copy-pasting from the old armbian-config.

As a token of our appreciation, contributors of non-trivial code will be entered into a draw to win a mini PC or a high-end desktop workstation. Stick around to help maintain the tool, and we can even discuss monthly compensation.

Head over to GitHub to contribute: https://github.com/armbian/configng
Propose changes by opening a pull request!


Thank you for your support!

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