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Orange Pi Zero 3 hotspot/access point not working


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I had an OrangePi Zero LTS and set up an access point using the following commands:

% sudo apt install dnsmasq-base -y
% sudo sed -i "s/#MulticastDNS=no/MulticastDNS=yes/g" /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
% sudo nmcli connection add type wifi ifname wlan0 con-name access_point autoconnect yes ssid <ssid>
% sudo nmcli connection modify access_point 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared
% sudo nmcli connection modify access_point connection.mdns 2
% sudo nmcli connection modify access_point wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
% sudo nmcli connection modify access_point wifi-sec.psk "<password>"
% sudo nmcli connection up access_point
% sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>


This worked fine, I can connect and ssh using `hostname.local` etc etc

I recently just got a OrangePi Zero 3 and tried the minimal OS, I did the commands above along with:

sudo apt install network-manager -y

The access point does seem to appear and I can see it from phones and laptops etc but I can't connect to it. What is the best way to debug the issue?

This is what it shows from the following commands:

$ nmcli device
DEVICE         TYPE      STATE                   CONNECTION   
wlan0          wifi      connected               access_point 
lo             loopback  connected (externally)  lo           
p2p-dev-wlan0  wifi-p2p  disconnected            --           
end0           ethernet  unmanaged               --           

$ nmcli connection
NAME          UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
access_point  d7a42b9e-63bd-4e76-9457-018cbd43d712  wifi      wlan0  
lo            a0764323-619d-4bd9-b029-fa8da5ed24c4  loopback  lo

Any help is appreciated!


I should mention that the OrangePI Zero LTS OS wasn't the minimal one it was the server one so I'm not sure if I'm just missing something in the minimal OS for OrangePi Zero 3.


I get these debug logs if I try and connect to the access point:

Sep 29 13:41:35 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613695.7400] ndisc-lndp[0xaaaae75732f0,"wlan0"]: processing libndp events
Sep 29 13:41:35 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613695.7409] platform: (end0) signal: address 6 changed: fd00::97ff:fe9b:cbc0/64 lft 7200sec pref 3600sec lifetime 1394-1394[3600,7200] dev 2 flags mngtmpaddr,noprefixroute src kernel
Sep 29 13:41:35 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613695.7412] platform: (end0) signal: address 6 changed: fd00::5bc2:4133:f0ea:931d/64 lft 7200sec pref 3600sec lifetime 1394-1394[3600,7200] dev 2 flags secondary src kernel
Sep 29 13:41:35 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613695.7441] manager: (end0): assume: don't assume because device is not managed
Sep 29 13:41:40 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613700.3462] ndisc-lndp[0xaaaae75732f0,"wlan0"]: processing libndp events
Sep 29 13:41:40 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613700.3471] platform: (end0) signal: address 6 changed: fd00::97ff:fe9b:cbc0/64 lft 7200sec pref 3600sec lifetime 1398-1398[3600,7200] dev 2 flags mngtmpaddr,noprefixroute src kernel
Sep 29 13:41:40 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613700.3474] platform: (end0) signal: address 6 changed: fd00::5bc2:4133:f0ea:931d/64 lft 7200sec pref 3600sec lifetime 1398-1398[3600,7200] dev 2 flags secondary src kernel
Sep 29 13:41:40 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613700.3499] manager: (end0): assume: don't assume because device is not managed
Sep 29 13:41:44 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613704.8566] ndisc-lndp[0xaaaae75732f0,"wlan0"]: processing libndp events
Sep 29 13:41:44 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613704.8575] platform: (end0) signal: address 6 changed: fd00::97ff:fe9b:cbc0/64 lft 7200sec pref 3600sec lifetime 1403-1403[3600,7200] dev 2 flags mngtmpaddr,noprefixroute src kernel
Sep 29 13:41:44 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613704.8578] platform: (end0) signal: address 6 changed: fd00::5bc2:4133:f0ea:931d/64 lft 7200sec pref 3600sec lifetime 1403-1403[3600,7200] dev 2 flags secondary src kernel
Sep 29 13:41:44 <hostname> NetworkManager[846]: <debug> [1727613704.8603] manager: (end0): assume: don't assume because device is not managed


Edited by av4625
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