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Cannot install to SSD because armbian-install fails to identify the target device

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When choosing Boot from eMMC - system on SATA, USB or NVMe in armbian-install using the Armbian 24.8.3 Bookworm Minimal / IOT, Kernel: 6.1.75, Release date: Sep 14, 2024 image on my NanoPi R6C, I get the following error:



There is not enough free capacity on 

/dev/mmcblk0 nvme0n1. Please check your device.


The wird device name is also mentioned on the two preceeding dialogs ("it is highly recommended to wipe all partitions" and "this will wipe all data").


I took a look at the argmbian-install script and the check_partitions routine seems to assume that $diskcheck contains something that, when prefixed with /dev, can be used in the of parameter of the dd command. It is computed as


root_uuid=$(sed -e 's/^.*root=//' -e 's/ .*$//' < /proc/cmdline)
root_partition=$(blkid | tr -d '":' | grep "${root_uuid}" | awk '{print $1}')
root_partition_name=$(echo $root_partition | sed 's/\/dev\///g')
root_partition_device_name=$(lsblk -ndo pkname $root_partition)
diskcheck=$(lsblk -l | awk -F" " '/ disk / {print $1}' | grep -E '^sd|^nvme|^mmc' | grep -v "$root_partition_device_name" | grep -v boot)


With the following block devices (zram omitted)

mmcblk0      179:0    0 28.9G  0 disk 
mmcblk0boot0 179:32   0    4M  1 disk 
mmcblk0boot1 179:64   0    4M  1 disk 
mmcblk1      179:96   0 29.7G  0 disk 
└─mmcblk1p1  179:97   0 29.4G  0 part /var/log.hdd

nvme0n1      259:0    0  1.9T  0 disk 


this evaluates to

diskcheck=mmcblk0 nvme0n1


To me it seems that the computation of diskcheck assumes that lsblk will return at most one "disk" that is not the root device and not a boot partition. On my system, which has an EMMC, an NVME SSD and is booting from an sdcard, this assumption does not hold. Or maybe, including ^sd and ^mmc in the check is not the right thing to do here?


Am I doing something wrong here, do I have an unsupported block device layout or is this a bug in the armbian-install script? Is there maybe a workaround?


Thank you!


1 час назад, chrisph сказал:

or is this a bug in the armbian-install script?

Yes, the script analyzer does not cope with the task if the memory device is clean and at least one partition has not been created.


P.S. You can post suggestions for improving the functionality of the script here.
I am changing his logic right now and your opinion may be useful.



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