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OPI zero and lite connection loss after 5 hrs


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I want to use an OPI zero (armbian 5.31) to log data from a smart meter to influxdb.


Everything works, but after 5 hrs i cant ssh into the pi - also, no data is written to the db.

The pi has heatsinks and the temperature is around 53°C.


Now i tried it without the logging and after 5 hrs, the pi was again not reachable (i dont know, if it crashed or only the connection went down).

Last try was with a pi lite which showed the same behavior. 


What could be the problem? 

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Wifi module of opi0 has some stability isseus. You can try to set 'powermanagement on'. Seems that it works better. Would be nice if you can give a feedback if it works. Cause I only tested it on one device at the moment. :)

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No, on! With powermanagement off i loss connectivity after 5-12h... Seems that it's more stable with powermanagement on. Ping is anyway shity, so doesn't improve something if you have powermanagement off.. ;)

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5 minutes ago, Bubba said:

I have 16 zero running 24/7 the only way they stay "online" is with it set to off. Otherwise they drop off after a few hours of inactivity.

Could you tell me more about your setup? Which os, version etc, so that i can also try to setup a stable pi0?

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Interesting, my OPi crashes with power management off after a few hours. Ok, the setup is a little bit different, it get's pinged every then seconds and it sends data via mqtt every minute. Do you have the rev. 1.4 or 1.1? 

There are some claimings that rev. 1.4 improves wifi. Maybe a 'false advertising', maybe it works now better with power management on.


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There is 10 1.1 and 6 1.4

They all run the older kernel.

I found code on the forum which kills all but one core, and slows down the ram, made them "stable"

Not able to get to it now, only access to zeros is from the local network at the NOCs

 Will check my notes when I go back to town


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I've found the problem:

There is something wrong with the dhcp process between the pi and dnsmasq (on openwrt). After the initial lease, somehow the pi cant renew the ip address afterwards.

A manual "dhclient -r; dhclient" works, so as a workaround i putted the commands in a little script...


Uptime is now 4 days (with wifi powermanagement "on")

Thanks for the help!



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