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DTB file for S905 on custom kernel


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I have a Mxq Pro 4k box S905 on which I have enabled dual boot and running 
 Armbian_5.37_S9xxx_Debian_stretch_3.14.29_server_20171226 on SD card
Here's the output of uname -a

 Linux amlogic 3.14.29 #150 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 26 16:55:23 MSK 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux


I want to add some modules so have followed the instructions here on compiling linux https://github.com/umiddelb/armhf/wiki/How-To-compile-a-custom-Linux-kernel-for-your-ARM-device

I have compiled the kernel with new modules enabled and could see the Image at


ls arch/arm64/boot/
dts  Image  Image.gz  install.sh  Makefile


From the URL above I can see the instruction on how to install the newly compiled kernel


EX for PINE 64
$ make -j 4 Image modules dtbs
$ sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/*.dtb arch/arm64/boot/Image /boot/pine64
$ sudo make modules_install
$ sudo make firmware_install
$ sudo make headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/usr
$ kver=`make kernelrelease`
$ sudo cp .config /boot/config-${kver}
$ cd /boot
$ sudo update-initramfs -c -k ${kver}
$ sudo mv initrd.img-${kver} initrd.img
$ sudo mv config-${kver} /boot/pine64


I am looking at my ls arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic folder which outputs the following.

Makefile                 meson-gxbb-vega-s95.dtsi
meson-gxbb.dtsi          meson-gxbb-vega-s95-meta.dts
meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dts  meson-gxbb-vega-s95-pro.dts
meson-gxbb-p200.dts      meson-gxbb-vega-s95-telos.dts
meson-gxbb-p201.dts      modules.order 


I cannot understand which one among this files should I convert to dtb for me to boot the updated kerenl via SD card. Can anyone tell me how to generate the dtb file for S905? 


Here's the output of /boot after module, firmware and install command


aml_autoscript                  config-3.14.29           dtb.img             initrd.img-4.9.78-g83dd15b7  uInitrd
aml_autoscript.zip              config-4.9.78-g83dd15b7  fan.sh              s905_autoscript              uInitrd-3.14.29
armbian_first_run.txt.template  dtb                      hdmi.sh             s905_autoscript.cmd          vmlinuz-3.14.29
boot.bmp                        dtb-3.14.29              Image               System.map-3.14.29           vmlinuz-4.9.78-g83dd15b7
boot-desktop.png                dtb-3.14.29.old          initrd.img-3.14.29  System.map-4.9.78-g83dd15b7  zImage


many thanks

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

If you are using My armbian image, you need to use other steps (commands) to install your kernel (according to the rules used by the s905_autoscript system startup script).

1. The correct name and location of the kernel file (/boot/zImage)

2. The Initrd file must be processed by mkinitrd.

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