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red screen by hdmi [opipc] posible fex mods?


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I have an issue with one of my opi pc boards: When I connect it to hdmi tv and tv is not connected (switched on before booting the soc), I get just a red screen. Armbian is up and ready. I can log through ssh.


Tested in Armbian_5.38_orangepipc_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113_desktop and openelec (last version). Same problem in both.


I'm looking for mods in the .fex file (if there are any that applies to this case). So far I checked http://sunxi.org/Fex_Guide without luck.


Time ago, I had a similar problem with an raspberry pi. In this case it was solved with a parameter in the config.txt (hdmi_force_hotplug=1). With this, hdmi port in the rpi was on even in the case of disconnected TV. I can't find similar parameter in fex description.


Any clue? Any help would be welcome...


Thanks in advance.



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