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Unable to build working bananapi-jessie-next image

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Ubuntu x64, Bananapi jesie with -next kernel.


First try yesterday:

  • everything default, changed only BUILD_DESKTOP to yes
  • image was built with 4.1-rc8 kernel / version of image was 3.1
  • few errors at the end (perl did not like some locales that were not set and probably some error with resizefs, partial log attached)
  • Image was not bootable, banana did not show anything, behavior was the same as banana without inserted card

Second  try today:

  • deleted /output/output/*
  • deleted compile.sh and created new one with latest content
  • image was built with 3.19.7 kernel (why that downgrade?), version of image was 3.2
  • banana boots but cannot remount filesystems. That leads to rebooting itself permanently (trying to resize partition again and again.)
  • screenshot attached


Am I doing something wrong?







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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Buggy development kernel with desktop on Jessie with some language customization is far worst possible scenario ...  but I manage to build an image on first try with default language settings. Only desktop building failed for no apparent reason. I am going to fix that today if possible.

  • Kernel 4.0.5 is latest stable, stick to this. I manage to build 4.1 RC
  • Jessie has problems with or without my interventions.
  • Desktop is here experimental - I don't deal with it.

I hope I manage to find time and write a proper manual on this. I should  :o  :huh:  Holidays are coming  :P


Enlarge default SD size a little bit, leave 4.0.5, leave default language, choose Wheezy / Trusty. Much better for start. Than tweak gradually. Most of things is cached, so build time is getting down to 2 minutes in best case.

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but I manage to build an image on first try with default language settings


Did you try to boot it? Were you sucessful?  :ph34r:


Enlarge default SD size a little bit - Hrmmm... How/Where? :-) in SDSIZE="1500" in compile.sh


leave 4.0.5 - Did not touch this in second try, 3.19.7 was used automaticaly by your script. It is defined in Documentation (KERNELTAG="v3.19.7"). That is why I used it, did not wanted to change anything after my first failed attempt. Maybe we should change this to 4.0.5 in Documentation? Or make the script use latest stable kernel? 

EDIT: there is Readme.md, where 4.0.5 is set and there is CONSOLE_CHAR="UTF-8" (in Documentation is not CONSOLE_CHAR="UTF-8" defined). We should merge these two compile.sh sources to one.


leave default languagein compile.sh I left "DEST_LANG="en_US.UTF-8", but it was built in Ubuntu with Czech language (so host/building pc uses czech language). Could that be a problem? If yes, we should mention this in Documentation. (And I think it is, host PC does not have "EXPORTed" some locales parameters (this is default). Some time ago I had to EXPORT some (unset) locales to make unixbench running (it was debian machine). I will check this next time.


choose Wheezy / Trusty - But I am in love with Jessie! :wub:  (OK, I just need few newer packages and using Jessie is the easy way to have them...) 


  • Desktop is here experimental - I don't deal with it.

I know  ;)

Edited by Decker
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Yes, working normally ... with some extra default kernel debugging in the log  :P


SD size you define in your initial call script.

SDSIZE="2500"                               # SD image size in MB 



This is the actual build script. You can build with old, not so recent, except in this scenario where is the latest kernel (and u-boot) hardencoded in / as an example. Some note should be there to clarify, I agree.




in compile.sh I left "DEST_LANG="en_US.UTF-8", but it was built in Ubuntu with Czech language (so host/building pc uses czech language). Could that be a problem? If yes, we should mention this in Documentation. 

No, it shouldn't. It should build properly regarding of the host LANG / locales settings. This needs to be fixed.


I just build another image with Jessie. Runs o.k. - with XFCE desktop, installed manually ... need to fix that post auto install.


Thanks for trying and finding problems  :D I know that they are and I am doing my best to knock them down.


If you haven alter anything in scripts under /lib than scripts are not updating anymore - at least your changes files. This is not yet under FORCE="yes" yet. Workaround - delete whole lib/ - save your customization elsewhere be4 ;)

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Hi Igor,

today I run more building. I used compile.sh from your link (next/readme.md) and changed SDSIZE="2500" and BUILD_DESKTOP="yes". Again with Jessie and next (4.0.5) kernel.

Also, I purged Kubuntu 15.10 (f-ing animations everywhere! :wacko: ) and installed my favourite Xubuntu (15.10) on building machine. During installation of Xubuntu on building machine I chose Czech language again.


1. try:

this time there were not 3 errors regarding to language things but 5.

Apparently there was something (regarding to languages) not configured and something was OK but probably not supported by running program.

Image failed to boot ending in a kernel panic. Here is a photo: http://www.imagehosting.cz/images/p1270670.jpg


2. try:

I exported these things:

export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 
export LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 
export LANGUAGE="en"

Original content was:

    LANGUAGE = "cs",
    LC_ALL = (unset),
    LC_COLLATE = "C",
    LC_NUMERIC = "C",
    LANG = "cs_CZ.UTF-8"

Imaged booted with XFCE successfully. Well, missing that "HW acceleration" I would say :lol:. But hint for others: Select "use compositor" in "windows tweak manager" (and do not select any animations or effects). It will feel faster, since it does "think" in layers and does not redraw things again and again (this could go to FAQ :P )



Script needs fixed language setting, all other works OK.



Awesome script! :)

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debian & ubuntu are known to heavy depend on correct LANG settings.


Many of the deb config scripts  use it.


i can just do an suggesstion and PUSH sutch settings into ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc 

as well as for systemwide :


~:/etc/default# cat console-setup

# Consult the console-setup(5) manual page.





# The following is an example how to use a braille font
# FONT='lat9w-08.psf.gz brl-8x8.psf'


~:/etc/default# cat locale
#  File generated by update-locale


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Well, today I was somehow unlucky with building, even with my method mentioned here before. I even tried to reinstall whole host´s Ubuntu in Czech language, later in English (everything, locales, keyboards, time, etc...), but I was still unsuccessful in building working Jessie OR Wheezy (kernel 4.0.5) image. I have not found why. Languages seemed right, no errors reported in console. But image seemed "read only". Maybe script creates damaged images? But no error was in the console during shrinking. Size in compile.sh was 2500MB... I dont know. I did not do anything special, all was default (except sd-size). Maybe I "solved" one bug, but there is another one... Sometime exported image ended up in kernel panic after u-boot. I spend many hours trying, purging and trying again, but did not find anything.


I am working on some changes to your script, but I need to test them before I prepare a pull request and... I am not sure if I will be able to repair this "language bug" by the proper way... I will probably not even try since I think there are 2 bugs and I cannot solve the other one (so I cannot test my work before the pull request) :-/


For now I am using Igor's image of sdcard with my own kernel (created with compile.sh), that works OK.

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No rush, take your time. I don't know how complex this issue is but I assume it is. So don't be frustrated if it doesn't go at first ..10x :) try. I am planning to write a full manual during my holiday so it will be simpler to use & develop further.


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