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NanoPcT4-occasional boot up failure


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Hi, community.

I have set up this device from which I'm writing this, installed Armbian from SD card, by sweeping out original FriendlyElec images from the FriendlyElec's partition, so I wiped off the Android and Ubuntu, and copied on it the Armbian image, which appeared with the title "RAW". Booted and installed fine. It works. From armbian-config I managed to boot from an USB Toshiba 1Tb disk. To this part, I have a little but efficient linuxPC, ¡¡¡THANK YOU!!!. I'm trying to compile binaries of STM32, or Arduino devices, comment this to tell details only. Every 5 to 8 bootups, it didn't recognize the USB drive, and dumps a series of Hex data, divided in bunches. So I fix it in my x86_64 PC by means of recovery from gparted. Dmesg tells something is bad. I do attach the copy of this bootup, to see.... If anybody knows something about, please tell me. I'm still investigating this issue. Thanks a lot!!!


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