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it is heard to consist of remote speaker with   paprefs and pavucontrol for me  and controll is difficult so orange pi sometomes  lose sound .

so i give up .


i seek for more easy way .


my situation is

orange pi---------------------------------------> DELL PC

(record sound )                                          (hear sound )



1) at orange pi

shell script


arecord --device hw:0 -r 44100 -f S16_LE /home/orange/1.mp3 &
while true
scp         /home/orange/1.mp3 yuma@      
sleep 180



2) at DELL PC

mplayer  /home/yuma/1.mp3



surely i can hear sound at DELL PC .

but synclonization is poor .

i want to hear almost now sound ( 30 sec late or so is OK) .<- baby sitting


1.mp3 becames bigger and bigger , so scp take more times .

more better script can be .

are there any ideas ?


i do 'arecord' twice , then 'arecord: main:722: audio open error: Device or resource busy' appear .

sound is more difficult than image , so i think .





HTTP audio streaming? For example MPD which inputs sound from ALSA and outputs it via HTTP. Or more specialized software like icecast. 


Alternatively if your PC and orangepi both run more or less modern Linux distributions (i.e Debian Jessie) you could try setting up pulseaudio client and server.


icecast is also difficult for me .

i adopt nfs .


the chart is

orange pi(record sounds ) ---> debiandog(nfs server,



at debiandog


/srv/homes 192.168.100.*(rw,sync,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)



at orange pi

shell script as root


mount.nfs  /mnt

rm /mnt/1.mp3
pkill -9 arecord

arecord --device hw:0 -f S16_LE /mnt/1.mp3 &




at debiandog

mplayer /srv/homes/1.mp3



it is strange that /srv/homes/1.mp3 apears after 30 sec or so after recording  .

name ly there is time lag .

in mplayer    push right allow then sound is near to now .



Recording WAVE '/mnt/1.mp3' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
overrun!!! (at least 228.306 ms long)
overrun!!! (at least 37.292 ms long)
overrun!!! (at least 67.655 ms long)
overrun!!! (at least 115.382 ms long)
appear after sometime.

something is wrong .



but reverse direction

orange pi(record sounds in pi's disk & nfs server ) <--- debiandog(nfs client , play pi's mp3 file )

is stable .



if you combinate with cheese over vnc , you can make video monitoring in another PC nevertheless sound is several seconds late .




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