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SSH login failure with Cubieboard 2 and Armbian 5.04 (Vanilla Jessie)


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Dear Igor,


first of all: Thank you very much for the work on armbian! 


My problem now is:


I installed armbian on my cubieboard 2 (on 16 GB SD card) and first everthing went fine. I did all the management via putty and ssh but since a couple of days I can't ssh anymore. That means, ssh login with username and password is succesful, but I do not get any command line. 


Besides I get a couple of other problems: One is, when I boot up, I takes about 10 min, since problems with "LSB", this means:


It takes about 5 minutes withe the message: "a start job is running for LSB: raise network interfaces"


Similiar problems occur during shutting down the system (here with a different service) ...


After login as user (non-root and root is the same), console output is stuck with:


cat: /var/run/machine.id: no such file or directory


Do yo have an idea what is causing the problme and how i can fix this?  


Thank you very much in advance!



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It takes about 5 minutes withe the message: "a start job is running for LSB: raise network interfaces"


This can happen when no network cable is connected. Your other experiences sound like it's time for F3 or H2testw: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/master/documentation/user-faq.md#how-to-prepare-sd-card


Please report back whether you suffered from a broken SD card or not.

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network cable is okay. After 5 minutes some services (i.e. tvheadend) are available via network administration. And before i checked the network cable. What do you mean by broken SD card?  Do you mean errors in the file system? But generally debian is running...





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But generally debian is running...


Well, then everything's ok and there's no need to investigate further even if all the symptoms indicate that your SD card is passing away... I thought the recommendation to test the card would be clear enough?

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sorry, normally I try to think before answering. ;) . I did not know that F3 and H2testw are test software for the sd card. I'll check them out in the evening when I'm back home.


Thank you very much so far.





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