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Posted (edited)

Well i know some of u like to watch data ..... :rolleyes:


Came allong this git, and is pritty awesome 2


check it out here: http://netdata.firehol.org/


Worx fine on a bana-armbian (if moderators dont like gifs just remove it np)





Edit: tweaks for embedded devices

Running netdata in embedded devices

Embedded devices usually have very limited RAM resources available.

There are 2 settings for you to tweak:

update every, which controls the data collection frequency
history, which controls the size of the database in RAM

By default update every = 1 and history = 3600. This gives you an hour of data with per second updates.

If you set update every = 2 and history = 1800, you will still have an hour of data, but collected once every 2 seconds. This will cut in half both CPU and RAM resources consumed by netdata.

You can also disable plugins you don't need. Disabling the plugins will also free both CPU and RAM resources.

Edited by Patcher

You find most if not all used methodologies/tools listed here: http://de.slideshare.net/brendangregg/broken-linux-performance-tools-2016


On a SBC I would always take care to use a minimalistic monitoring approach since when the monitoring task starts to influence the behaviour of the system (always running at highest clockspeeds for example when interactive performance governor is used) then this is simply 'Monitoring gone wrong'.


Another huge difference when we're talking about more recent SBCs is the thermal/throttling and dvfs/cpufreq behaviour. Not taking that into account and looking at something more or less useless like 'load average' is just fooling yourself (without taking notice). So if you've fun watching at meaningless graphs this might be great. Otherwise better stay away from it unless it serves ok for specific use cases you're an expert in (networking stuff for example) :)


Please just think a few seconds about a monitoring approach that does not monitor CPU clockspeeds and throttling strategies either. Is having an average CPU utilisation of 50% 'bad'? When the system is downclocking to 240 MHz at the same time to save energy and lower temperatures? Is it better when the system only shows 10% CPU utilisation since cpufreq settings let it run at 1200 MHz instead (and the SBC consumes twice as much energy due to dvfs settings)?

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