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  1. Past hour
  2. @Blyato that's very difficult wifi is getting working if it is yet another unkown chinese vendor chip. From the photo i can't identify it, but have never seen such silhouette
  3. Sure. As a beginner, I just won't update it. Or trying to understand the MiniArch desktop-installing thing on another card, it had no problem with upgrade somehow, still works, but on command line only.
  4. Hello ! I thought to have found a work around by doing a first access to by pass "the unexpected timing", but time to time it does not work ! See code of the work around tested: void spi_transfer(enum Chip chip, unsigned char* txBuffer, size_t len, bool with_rx) { int ret; int fd; uint8_t bits; uint32_t speed; uint8_t mode; unsigned short delay; char * tx = NULL; char * rx = NULL; char hex_dump_tx_prefix[9] = {0}; char hex_dump_rx_prefix[9] = {0}; switch(chip){ case RADIO: fd = st_spi.fd_radio; speed = st_spi.speed_radio; mode = st_spi.mode_radio; bits = st_spi.bits_radio; delay = st_spi.delay_radio; strcpy(hex_dump_tx_prefix,"tx_radio"); strcpy(hex_dump_rx_prefix,"rx_radio"); break; case RTC: fd = st_spi.fd_rtc; speed = st_spi.speed_rtc; mode = st_spi.mode_rtc; bits = st_spi.bits_rtc; delay = st_spi.delay_rtc; strcpy(hex_dump_tx_prefix,"tx___rtc"); strcpy(hex_dump_rx_prefix,"rx___rtc"); break; case FLASH: fd = st_spi.fd_flash; speed = st_spi.speed_flash; mode = st_spi.mode_flash; bits = st_spi.bits_flash; delay = st_spi.delay_flash; strcpy(hex_dump_tx_prefix,"tx_flash"); strcpy(hex_dump_rx_prefix,"rx_flash"); break; default: printf("Unexpected chip value !\n"); exit_with_trace(EXIT_STATUS_SPI_ERROR, ulTraceModule, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } tx = malloc(len); check_malloc(tx, ulTraceModule, __FILE__, __LINE__); rx = malloc(len); check_malloc(rx, ulTraceModule, __FILE__, __LINE__); memcpy (tx, txBuffer, len); unsigned char payload_wa_radio[2] = {0x20, 0x00}; struct spi_ioc_transfer tr_wa_radio = { .tx_buf = (unsigned long)payload_wa_radio, .rx_buf = (unsigned long)0, .len = 2, .delay_usecs = delay, .speed_hz = speed, .bits_per_word = bits, }; struct spi_ioc_transfer tr = { .tx_buf = (unsigned long)tx, .rx_buf = (unsigned long)rx, .len = len, .delay_usecs = delay, .speed_hz = speed, .bits_per_word = bits, }; if (mode & SPI_TX_QUAD) { tr.tx_nbits = 4; } else if (mode & SPI_TX_DUAL) { tr.tx_nbits = 2; } if (mode & SPI_RX_QUAD) { tr.rx_nbits = 4; } else if (mode & SPI_RX_DUAL) { tr.rx_nbits = 2; } if (!(mode & SPI_LOOP)) { if (mode & (SPI_TX_QUAD | SPI_TX_DUAL)) { tr.rx_buf = 0; } else if (mode & (SPI_RX_QUAD | SPI_RX_DUAL)) { tr.tx_buf = 0; } } #if DBG_SPI hex_dump(tx, len, 32, hex_dump_tx_prefix); #endif //toolMutexLock(&MutexSPI); if (chip == RADIO) { // This part of code is a workaround for the radio because the radio spi is touchy to the clock timing of // the first spi access as the mode is set during the first access. // The workaround consists in doing a first access without impact on the radio configuration to bypass the // issue, and then a second access to really execute the spi command. // For the first access, we send command "0x00, 0x20" which is interpreted by the radio "0x00, 0x10" due to the // the clock timing. So we only do a read access at the address 0 of the config register without impact on the radio configuration. // Let's see task #30190 for more details. ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr_wa_radio); if (ret < 1) { printf("can't send spi message\n"); exit_with_trace(EXIT_STATUS_SPI_ERROR, ulTraceModule, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr); if (ret < 1) { printf("can't send spi message\n"); exit_with_trace(EXIT_STATUS_SPI_ERROR, ulTraceModule, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } //toolMutexUnlock(&MutexSPI); if (with_rx == true) memcpy (txBuffer, rx, len); #if DBG_SPI hex_dump(rx, len, 32, hex_dump_rx_prefix); #endif free(rx); free(tx); } See capture bellow doing a read access in loop on the radio spi. Time to time, there is also an expected CLK timing on the second access. Conclusion: Doing a first access to bypass the unexpected timing is not enough. I have to add something else or find another solution ...
  5. If there's a kernel or u-boot update then your box won't boot. The kernel and u-boot need patches from my repository for it to work on your box. There are no apt packages for this. I guess you need to burn another sdcard and start from scratch.
  6. Today
  7. If you want to upgrade the userspace flavor on top (like Jammy to Noble for example) it is indeed recommended to start from scratch. If you want to upgrade the Armbian core components like firmware, kernel and boot-loader, these upgrades are shipped as regular apt package.
  8. Hi, Thanks, I've tried both working image on my h618 Transpeed tv-box. I have some newbie questions: - On the miniarch image: I managed to upgrade + setup the wifi, and it works, but I cannot install any desktop environment. I've done every steps and tried a lot different desktop environment, but no luck, it won't start, remains in the text console. Is it possible to install a (simple, like xfce4) desktop environment? How? - On the Armbian image: everithing works fine (I used an usb hub+usb wifi+bt, internal not working), and there is a working desktop environment, which is great! But I've tried to upgrade (apt update + apt upgrade) and the upgrade maybe messed up the boot somehow, the device won't boot since the upgrade. Is it possible to upgrade the Armbian image? How? Thanks, Sidha
  9. I answer myself: the overlays are here: https://github.com/radxa/overlays/tree/main You need to take the desired overlay, compile it using dtc and put it in the /boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay folder. Next, turn on the overlay in armbian-config and voila root@proc01:/home/victor# ls /dev/ | grep spi spidev1.0
  10. So, if I want to upgrade the Armbian version, I have to do an installation from scratch and migrate everything, right? Thanks
  11. Description Support partner. How Has This Been Tested? [x] Was reported as working good. Checklist: [x] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  12. For Armbian updates regular code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } apt update && apt upgrade will be sufficient. If you however want to change your userspace (like Jammy to Noble) this is out of scope of Armbian and upstream tools (like do-release-upgrade in case of Ubuntu) have to be used. Armbian firmware and userspace are two pair of shoes. Armbian cannot handle userspace upgrades by itself simply due to lacking of both human and financial resources for development and testing lots of various scenarios. This is also the reason why doing this is not recommended and therefore entirely unsupported by us.
  13. Good morning I don't quite understand everything. I understand that do-release-upgrade is not the right way to upgrade Armbian. So what is the right way? Thanks
  14. root@proc01:/home/victor# cat /boot/armbianEnv.txt verbosity=1 extraargs=swiotlb=1024 overlay_prefix=rk3308 fdtfile=rockchip/rk3308-rock-pi-s.dtb rootdev=UUID=cc500ad0-fef5-4af1-8ed7-68c3db5f4a19 rootfstype=ext4 console=serial overlay=spi-spidev param_spidev_spi_bus=1 usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u victor@proc01:~$ ls /dev/ | grep spi victor@proc01:~$ dmesg | grep spi victor@proc01:~$
  15. Hello everybody! I need help: I can't turn on the SPI interface in any way so that /dev/spidev0 or /dev/spidev1 appears. In armbian-config, there are generally only 7 lines in the hardware section, in which there is nothing interesting, an attempt to register spidev in armbianEnv.txt it also does not help, in dmesg and journalctl - silence... Where did the interface go?
  16. Hello, thanks for the guide and such, I was able to successfully use the rkdeveloptool method to flash the R29-5G-LP3-v3.0 (MXQ-5G-Pro) I guess there is no way of using the Wifi device of this board? Thanks anyway ❤️ edit: I have run already the rk322x-config and the hdmi is working, just wondering about the wifi ❤️
  17. Yesterday
  18. I have a question ❓️ If I found driver ethernet I can Install on miniarch I don't need to install endeavouros
  19. You need install lightdm manually, welcome to Arch world, everything need medium/advanced knowledge in linux... 😅
  20. Thank you friend Usb thetering done Install done After installing endeavouros How to boot to os
  21. Hello, both the versions you used share exactly the same kernel, so it is unclear to me the reason only the Jammy image boots. Actually, I don't understand why you did not use the multitool to install the armbian image and doing maintenance, but however... You can actually edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt and set verbosity=7 to have more kernel logging and perhaps something will pop up. Hint: dmesg log is basic stuff to do debugging, if you can provide it, it could be very useful.
  22. So it just boots directly to oowow. There is a menu item for shutdown or reboot. Reboot tells you to remove any sdcards beforehand. So I didn't. And the sdcard booted. It has installed, and reboot works. I installed to emmc and nvme. So far so good. Tried the ts1040 screen once. It might ve not been plugged correctly. Dead computer. I need to try the other direction. Copper down.
  23. I guess the older bootloaders does not work at all with eMCP chip, if I remember correctly you need at least ddrbin v1.09 when you have an eMCP. It could be that your board came with an even newer ddrbin or something a bit customized. I guess you should ask the vendor for the original firmware and install it again to solve the issue if the command rate switching did not change anything.
  24. Hello, thank you! I tried changing this bit in multitool-1.11 but the result is the same. I could not locate the bit in the older bootloader, the one that ran one step further. The bootloader is RK322XMiniLoaderAll_V2.47_MarcosTvBox.bin mentioned here in the last message:
  25. Reverified the sdcard image. The board boots directly into oowow. I dont see an obvious way to tell it to boot from sdcard. Holding the function button on power up does nothing.
  26. Description In an effort to reduce wifi driver burdens AR-1745, I went through the 6.10 kernel to check if any third party wifi drivers can be removed. The following drivers are part of the mainline kernel as of 6.10: RTL8723CS (driver: RTW88) RTL8811CU and RTL8821C (driver: RTW88) RTL8192EU (driver: RTL8XXXU) To give them some more time in the oven, use them not from 6.10 but from 6.11 onwards. I went through the Armbian forums, Atlassian and GiHub issues to see if anyone had used those drivers for these chips in the past and had reported issues. But I haven't found anything yet. RTL8723DS is also supported by RTW88, but I have not touched that driver since it is still required for the RockPi-S wifi to work properly as reported by @brentr Jira reference number AR-1745 How Has This Been Tested? [x] Build success: ./compile.sh BOARD=nanopc-cm3588-nas BRANCH=edge RELEASE=trixie EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no BUILD_MINIMAL=no BUILD_DESKTOP=no [ ] Mainline drivers should be tested LOOKING FOR TESTERS: Drivers for RTL8811CU, RTL8821C and RTL8192EU are available also in 6.9, so if you have a device with those chips, it would be very nice if you could test them with their respective kernel driver (RTW88 or RTL8XXXU). You may have to enable them in your board's kernel config. If you have a board with a RTL8723DS chip, please test the RTW88 driver. If RockPi-S is the only board which broken RTL8723DS driver, we could switch most other boards to RTW88 for this chip. Checklist: [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [x] My changes generate no new warnings [x] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  27. I am wondering how to install this. I've installed armbian on a nanopc, and edge V which is now a brick after a brief use as an armbian machine. But never successfully to a vim 3. I have a fresh out of the box vim3 that fails on boot with the current image on sdcard. The first vim4 was a doorstop on arrival. I finally have a second vim 4 that does seem to work if I push the function button 3 times it goes to oowow. But so far nothing that I've read works to boot from sdcard. "Holding the function button while power on." I havent found any instructions here about an install process other than insert the sdcard and power on, which does absolutely nothing. I have the latest cli image on sdcard. Also, I take it that vim4 only supports legacy? Any help is greatly appreciated
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