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Avinash Ga

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  1. Which kernel version does vanilla build for H3 will be based on? Is that 4.4.6?
  2. I tried this sysctl.conf: vm.swappiness=0 vm.min_free_kbytes=0 fstab: #/var/swap none swap sw 0 0 then "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" But now its randomly killing the processes.
  3. Hi, I am running same distributed processes on my RaspberryPI Model 2B running Raspbian Jessie and two OrangePI PC's running Armbian 5.05. Though i have enough ram available i found that there is high SWAP utilization on my OrangePI PC's. Also one CPU will be always 100% in OrangePI PC's. I have swappiness = 1 for both OrangePI PC's and Raspberry PI. ulimit -l = unlimited for RaspBerryPi and ulimit -l = 64 for OrangePI PC's. Attached is the screenshot:- From left:- (1) RaspBerryPi. (2) OrangePi PC, (3) OrangePi PC. How can i limit the swap usage and high CPU for OrangePI PC? Regards, -- Avinash
  4. Thanks @tkaiser. armbianmonitor is very useful and that does the job. Thanks @toast i was talking about SOC temp.
  5. Hi, I want to monitor the temperature of my Orange Pi PC's during some operation. When i login it shows the temperature. How to check the temperature after login? Regards, -- Avinash
  6. Wondeful. Soon i will be getting my pine64 boards. I am eager to try armbian supported image on it.
  7. Thanks kaiser, I will try nand-sata-install.sh. Regards, -- Avinash
  8. Hi does install to emmc works for orange pi plus 2 h3 board? I will be getting my plus 2 soon so want to know is it supported in arbian jessie yet. Regards, -- Avinash G A
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