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Efforts to develop firmware for H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8G/64G
@DreamDreams I remove it because the joshua project changed, and my patches become deprecated..... you need to edit the patch file for orangepi3b to work with h96 max: https://github.com/hqnicolas/ArmBoardBringUp Clone the Joshua riek project on github. remove patches from the .sh file that dont be compatible with h96max: https://github.com/Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip/blob/main/config/boards/orangepi-3b.sh take the dts file from armbian rk3566 h96 max and edit this patch below: https://github.com/Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip/blob/main/packages/u-boot-turing-rk3588/debian/patches/0005-board-rockchip-Add-Xunlong-Orange-Pi-3B.patch now when you compile for Orange pi 3B it will compile for H96 max.... the trick for this 0005-board-rockchip-Add-Xunlong-Orange-Pi-3B.patch is that you need to count the number of lines that you are insert in the path and edit the line. @DreamDreams after doing it you can feel like a real linux hacker because you will be. -
Collecting info and sending to paste.armbian.com, wait... /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 976: iostat: command not found <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Error</title> </head> <body> <pre>Cannot POST /log</pre> </body> </html> -
[HC4] Difference between dedicated images and manual installation on top of minimal
Hi, I'm curious, is there any qualitative difference between the dedicated application images and the Minimal image followed by a "normal" manual installation of the given application? For example OpenMediaVault (OMV) which comes with tailored installation instructions for Armbian. IOW, does the dedicated application image "only " take care of the OMV installation for you, or is there more to it which I might miss when installing OMV myself (on top of the minimal image)? Thanks! -
Providing logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed. -
Hello I encounter a problem when I run the TCPDUMP command Here is the error eth0: SIOCETHTOOL(ETHTOOL_GLINK) ioctl failed: Device or resource busy Work like a charm with Radxa Debian OS, but on two Armbian same problem. Someone knows why ? Thanks
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