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  1. Uuuu odds seem awesome, thanks Nico, armbian and SinoVoip for the opportunity
  2. According to Armbian documentation only kernel 4.4 has support for emmc, actually tried and seems true, I had settled with Jammy on 5.18 since it has been working flawlessly on my machine and video has been better then ever, but 5.18 is not supported for emmc, so wanted to make it a permanent shift, are you guys planning to give any of your new Kernels for the rp64 emmc support? would be very much appreciated, at least on one of the stable builds?
  3. So managed to make desktop legacy build (4.4gb in size btw) It does have wifi and bt working out of the box and glad to report the following: After update&upgrade device wouldn't boot back, showed same behavior blinking white led with no display as when i tried running script on newer version of armbian Because im curios decided to toggle alt+f1 and alt-f2 and what do you know was asked to log in and was able to startx Ran the media script and rebooted, now it didn't let me access tty1 or 2 after a few resets patience and pulling hdmi in and out Alt+Fx did the job again, logged in and started x manually. Its clear the leaps in difference the script does, it still stuttered on 1080 in both chromium and firefox but guessing that not building on top of the server(minimal) image might have something to do + performance is clearly more lagy then current armbian builds that feel so smooth on regular desktop flow Still it feels like the Christmas miracle, while the 1080 played it looked beautiful = to desktop performance, did notice my fan never turned on though. But after almost 3 years of collecting dust it might just be its time to shine with the current smoothness of newer builds and the tweaking of your current work on the graphics department this board will become a champion might even pick up a second device since some go as low as 60 bucks, this might become a gr8 desktop replacement device, lol might even give some away Thanks for your hard work man it really shows, last time i saw any decent improvement on teh rp64 was from MrFixIt 1 year ago, since ill likely not post again recently Happy new year to u and the Team, hope u get to enjoy the new years
  4. I'm on the rockpro64 running Armbian_20.11.3_Rockpro64_buster_current_5.9.14_desktop.img file Every time I execute media-buster-legacy-rk3399 it goes through, but when reset the rp64 doesn't boot again. Am i supposed to change kernel to 4.4.xxx before executing package or am i not supposed to download image from https://www.armbian.com/rockpro64/ and am expected to build armbian some other way? Currently my steps are burn Buster from armbian page with the 5.9 Kernel update and upgrade run package and reset what am i missing? I am running it in a weird 1080 75hz native monitor, could it be that or just the kernel change?
  5. Hi so there is a wip for RockPro64 but Kernel development and some other builds like MrFixIt have made gr8 advancement. Wondering if you could start support for rp64 or maybe update the wip since kernel has greatly improved.
  6. MrFixit made his Kernel available, im guessing it should help, kernell does 3d, 2d, nvme, wifi, bt etc... link here
  7. OK, thanks any way, I'm Glad there is people working on rk3399 chips development, someday we may profit of you're findings, till then wish you good luck, seems other boards are getting things well done cchips have gr8 potencial
  8. OK, so changed to nightly and nothing happened same results, installed both 5.67 and 5.69 builds (stable builds available at armbian download page old and current) with no avail. noticed that both builds use kernel 4.4.167 even after changing to nightly and updating, upgrading, dist-upgrading nothing changed the Kernel, decided to do it manually and finally was able to change, selected 5.71 build that uses 4.20.0. Redid instructions and the observations are as follows 4.20.0 does play youtube and media at slightly faster speed (not better i mean like 1.25x) , mpv and chromium 32 played them at correct speed, can see ldspa working but there is no audio so ill blame that on the kernel, neither hdmi or 3.5mm socket have audio output, most likely kernel the culprit again, kodi desktop link does close x and when running command throws error, no longer breaking os so Im attaching error log. Since changing kernel did make a gr8 difference before I try all the builds to my hearts desire, Im wondering if you have a preferred build version that is better tailored to your script? Also neither before or after script install / before after updating and upgrading was /dev/mali available rp64@rockpro64:~$ ls -l /dev/mali ls: cannot access '/dev/mali': No such file or directory kodi_crashlog-20190116_023538.log
  9. rp64, instalation log, kodi breaks os, instalation success, mpv not accelerated, chromium 32bit both installed none streaming media. Install log attached, did reboot, did disable window manager compositing, kodi desktop link closes x, once you run kodi by command it breaks os have to reflash os, if log doesn't help, i could upload a video since i cant extract system log break atm, video would be easier for me, again by request if needed. install.log
  10. Installed on rockpro64 and bash ran flawlessly, everything's seems to have installed and all desktop links created for applications, unfortunately seems that script was unable to override something, all apps run as if nothing had been done no streaming, mpv works same as before and Kodi does close x but breaks system when trying to run kodi, I'll try to upload log scripts 2morrow, hope whatever is missing shows up there.
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