I'm running Armbian Stretch on a Tinker Board and trying to use a one-wire thermometer. I have this in /boot/armbianEnv.txt:
overlays=i2c1 i2c4 spi2 spidev2 uart1 uart2 w1-gpio
However, when I boot the board, I see this in dmesg:
[Wed May 8 17:38:43 2019] rockchip-pinctrl pinctrl: unable to find group for node w1_pins
[Wed May 8 17:38:43 2019] w1-gpio: probe of onewire@0 failed with error -22
Kernel version is Linux tinkerboard 4.19.33-rockchip #5.77 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 3 17:06:29 CEST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
Any ideas? I'm using the rockchip-w1-gpio.dtbo that was installed with the system.