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Posts posted by xwalter

  1. @tkaiser

    I have installed armbianmonitor -r 

    Finish ok and tells me  " Now youare able to connect to RPi-Monitor at " 

    But when Iopen the browser and tyoe that , nothing    

    Do you have some suggest ?

    Thank you 


  2. Hello guys ! 

    1) New SD card 16 Gb
    2) Install on it armbian 5_14 desktop 
    3) Install apache 2 
        reboot --->  OK 
    4) install  mysql server and client 
        reboot --->  OK
    5) install  php5
        reboot --->  OK
    6) install  phpmyadmin
        reboot --->  OK
    7) install  java8
        reboot --->  OK
    8) install  netbeans 8.1 + plugins 
        reboot --->  OK
    9) install other programs and services 
        reboot --->  OK 
    10) install  igorpecovnik/hostapd 
        reboot --->  Problem as I told in other post 

    This happens three times today , to be sure before write that.

    So pratically this is the price to pay if I want an access point ?   :( :( :(

    What I have to do ? 

    I want insist because Igor and Tkaiser wrote me is a small issue , just remove and play with the SD card and else . This is a bug or not ?

    I'm using armbian on orangepi plus 2 , maybe the igorpecovnik/hostapd is only for other version ?



  3. I have discovered that when orange pi is stopped for a long time and the temperature is low , it starts better .

    If it is hot armbian doesn't start .Is there any temperature control ?

    Otherwise I have the heat sink and the fan continously running 

  4. ok guys ....

    the power supply is 5V 2A and the SD card is 16 Gb class 10 . I have tested with other 4 card class 10 with 16 Gb and 8Gb . I had rewrite image , armbian5_14 , armbian5_10 etc ..

    Do you think there are some issues in my orange pi plus 2 HW ?

    Now I have ordered an orange pi pc plus . i will test 

    If you are interested , I ahve an information to give. 

    Today I have started after 4-5 times disconnet power supply , also disconnect some I/O I2C to have more power. 

    I start armbian without cable lan connected , after I connect and from the top of the desktop I click over the "wired to ....." 

    Wicd start and system reboot automatically and now reboot and reboot again . Also if open wicd from menu I get this bug .

    Other info ....after rebooting [ OK ]  bla bla bla .....I can see the wifi net on my android phone , but not connect of course but the desktop is black .

    Is like the system is partially started but not useful

  5. with the new SD card , armbian starts and reboot .

    After I have installed some program and service like igorpecovnik/hostapd , armbian doesn't start any more .....I thank was the usb pen drive and I takeout before reboot , but nothing 

    Armbian doesn't reboot ....the EMMC is empty 

    [ OK ]  blablabla
    [ OK ]  set map and keyboard 
    reboot , reboot again and never start

    I cannot understand why ....

    If I reboot 3 times, one time reboot ok and two times not reboot . I have to take out power supply and give until start, in this way the new sd card will crash soon

    In this condition is pratically impossible to do something

  6. I have formatted the emmc with gparted , was debian jessie before. I start from a new armbian 5_14 in SD card but doesn't start 

    i think there are some problem in armbian for that .

    The OS doesn't start from SD card if there is an other OS into the emmc and also if the emmc is formatted 

  7. hello guys .

    I'm working with Armbian 5_14 , today I have installed all I need.

    At the end , is there one way to install all the SD card into eMMC ? 

    If there are some troubles, for me laso good to erase completly the emmc , because sometimes starts from there and not from armbian

    If I erase the emmc I think the OS starts with armbian secure or not?

  8. ok guys !!!  I have solved in this way ....


          Follow this     https://github.com/igorpecovnik/hostapd

    1. Edit /etc/init.d/hostapd and add/alter location of your conf file DAEMON_CONF=/etc/hostapd.conf and binary DAEMON_SBIN=/usr/sbin/hostapd
    2. Link /etc/network/interfaces.hostapd to /etc/network/interfaces
    3. Reboot
    4. Choose your WiFI AP name  and password in /etc/hostapd.conf
    5. Type this command modprobe bcmdhd op_mode=2  if not add  op_mode=2 inside both the /etc/network/interfaces.hostapd  and  /etc/network/interfaces
    6. To have an Access Point independent by tha assigned DHCP  setup both the files /etc/network/interfaces.hostapd  and  /etc/network/interfaces  in this way

    auto lo br0
    iface lo inet loopback

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet manual

    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet static

    iface br0 inet dhcp
    bridge_ports eth0
    #hwaddress ether # will be added at first boot




    *** The script file for the tcp server ***


    import socket

    host = ''
    port = 5560

    myDatas = "Some datas stored into the server"

    def setupServer():
    mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    print("Creating socket ok ....")
    mysock.bind((host, port))
    except socket.error as msg:
    print("Binding socket complete....")
    return mysock

    The TCP server socket binds the host which is the IP address of the wlan0 and starts lo listen

    The TCP client connect to the server by using this IP address and the same port .

    The internet connection is working for the orange pi . If I disconnect the lan of the orange pi , the server-client continously work .

    This is what I need. Now I have to write a TCP server in C++

  9. the same issue with the new SD card. I'm doing some experiments with hostapd and interfaces to be independent the AP 

    Maybe some mistake and when I reboot start debian and not armbian 

    Also other big trouble , after insall the igorpecvnik go.sh ....if I start wicd the system crashes 

  10. my problem is that I'm working with Armbian but in my internal EMMC 16 Gb I have debian jessie.

    With the SD card inserted I sould start with Armbian , but not always .Sometime the system start on debian and not Armbian .....strange to understand :(

    I think the SD is K.O ...

  11. ok ...the access point is working well and stable. Some modifications to the java android client and to the python server code. 

    Simple string trasferring of strings is running. 

    Before to implement the server in C++ I'd like to setup hostapd to have static bridge , eth0 and wlan0 

    My target is to create an Hotspot between orange pi as server and android as client over tcp with AP.

  12. ok guys ....

    in the python script the host='' and the port=5560 

    The client app for android connect to (is the address of the brigde and localhost as I wrote above) and the connection is ok , also exchange some datas .The python script shows me the android device connected at (dhcp) .

    But anyway , I have to set static address because dhcp changes the assignments .

    Ok I go to sleep , better 

  13. now I change the localhost from to  from the /etc/hosts 

    but nothing ....

    I try also to do this

    auto lo br0
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet static
    iface br0 inet dhcp
    bridge_ports eth0 #wlan0
    #hwaddress ether # will be added at first boot

    in interfaces and interfaces.hostapd but nothing .....the internet connection is ok because the bridge get , the access point is ok , if I type  ifconfig I can see the address for the wlan0 is  but it doens't accept any client , I have also changed several client in android but nothing .


    From my android phone if I type in firefox I can see the page of  apache2 which runs in orange pi and if I type  I can see the informations .

    This means that Access Point is working , but I have to understand how to allow it independent from the lan and how to accept external clients ....

    Ok this is not so bad ,,,,

  14. ok guys some troubles ....

    the orange pi is connected to my asus router in dhcp mode . My router assigns two address to the pi   (used by the Access Point on orange pi)

    Pratically in orange pi I have        nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf        connected to the wired network (dhcp) and I use also for apache2        ip address assigned to the AP           localhost from ping localhost 

    When I disconnect the plug of the lan of my orange pi , of course , I loose all beacause there are not IP address assigned (in dhcp) 

    First of all I would like to setup manual addresses into the 


    to be able to use AP without any lan or router connected .

    The second thing is that I'm starting a tcp server into orange pi , written in python in this way 

    import socket
    host = ''
    port = 5560

    Pratically I don't assign any statis IP address but I get the localhost , maybe .....

    Do you have any idea ? 

    The server connect and bind without any problems but doesn't accept the client 

    By using my android phone I'm able to ping with success all of them 

    ping        30-40 ms     , 0% packet loss
    ping        33 ms        , 0% packet loss
    ping        0.18-0.40 ms , 0% packet loss
    ping          0.211 ms     , 0% packet loss



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