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sirleon reacted to FredK in Helios4 Support
Release of openmediavault 5 (Usul)
sirleon reacted to aprayoga in Helios4 Support
Hi @sirleon, the tutorial is intended for moving the rootfs to USB thumb drive and due to spi_workaround it does not work with SATA seamlessly but you almost there..
I suggest to move the rootfs to drive that connected to SATA0 (most likely /dev/sda), because there is known issue that u-boot failed to recognized SATA device other than on SATA0.
To boot from SATA you need to:
1. Move the rootfs with sata-nand-install while spi_workaround is disabled, and reboot.
The system will boot from SD card.
2. Unmount /boot and copy over boot files from /media/mmcboot/boot to /boot
umount /boot cp -rf /media/mmcboot/boot/* /boot/ 3. Edit /etc/fstab and remove/comment 2 lines that have mount point to /media/mmcboot and /boot.
4. Reboot the system and cancel u-boot auto boot.
5. Run following commands on u-boot prompt to add sata boot and reboot
setenv boot_targets "usb0 scsi0 mmc0 pxe dhcp" setenv bootcmd_scsi0 'devnum=0; run scsi_boot' saveenv You could reorder the boot order on boot_targets variable. On above command, it would tried to boot from USB and if failed try SATA/SCSI and so on.
sirleon reacted to djurny in Helios4 Support
A quick update to all who have Helios4 boxes freeze up. After board replacement and switching PSUs, the box still froze from time to time. After the last freeze, I decided to move the rootfs to a USB stick, to rule out anything related to the SDcard.
The SDcard is a SanDisk Ultra. 32GB class 10 A1 UHS-I HC1 type of card, picture below.
After using the SDcard for booting kernel + initrd only, the box has been going strong for quite a while, when under load and when idling around:
07:39:29 up 21 days, 29 min, 6 users, load average: 0.14, 0.14, 0.10 Note that the uptime is actually more than shown, but the box has been rebooted due to unrelated issues and some planned downtime.
Hope this will help any of you.
sirleon reacted to NickS in Helios4 Support
Hi sirleon,
I'm running OMV4 in my deployment, and a recent set of updates broke "psutil.disk_io_counters()".
If you are using this routine in your OLED code to fetch disk information then this may be your problem. Anyway you should
SSH into your NAS and run the OLED code directly from the SSH terminal and let us see all the nice error messages it throws up :}
sirleon reacted to gprovost in Helios4 Support
@sirleon Based effectively on your I2C scan, no device is detected on channel 1. I would still suspect wrong wiring.
Can you post a picture of your I2C wiring on each side ?
Have you tried another cable ? In the kit there is 2 ribbon cables, a long one (30cm) and a short one (20cm). The short one is just a spare cable. Maybe try with the short one, just to be sure it's not a cable issue first.
The second OLED display you tried is it from another Helios4 kit, or just another display you already had ?