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  1. Thank you for clarifying. I tested some image from Armbian, but it had several limitations for me. For example kernel v.6 had some problem with internal sound card in my test, while kernel v.5 works with it.
  2. Thank you! I've checked it and it doesn't contain release for Orange Pi CM4. I went with image supplied in orangepi.org site and it answers my needs (in most cases). BTW, their image has something common with Armbian (or based on).
  3. Hello, Could anybody provide plans/recommendations about Armbian and Orange Pi CM4 board? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I don't know, if this is relevant, but older version - 23.02.2 with Linux-5.15.93 works better about the resolution I need. Hope this helps.
  5. Hello, I downloaded recent Armbian image for Orange Pi PC Plus - 23.05.1. When I run it, the screen resolution is 720x576 and virtual resolution 1024x768. I changed armbianEnv.txt - defined disp_mode=1280x800p60 (this is what I need) and also used fbset command in my application and it works in most cases, but sometimes after system restart the screen resolution is the default (720x576) and can't be changed - I get error - "ioctl FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Invalid argument". How can this be fixed? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello, the issue was closed by some change in my program that uses i2c connection (used write() instead of i2c_smbus_write_quick() function). The fix was applied after I discovered that i2cdetect call works correctly until my program is activated. Hope this can help to somebody with similar problem.
  7. Hello, I am trying to port my developed module to the newest Armbian system. Once I had everything worked in very old Armbian developed in 2018 based on kernel 3.4. There is a hardware module connected via i2c1. When my program tries to communicate with it, it doesn't work and I get errors kernel: i2c i2c-1: mv64xxx: I2C bus locked, block: 1, time_left: 0 I've uploaded the diagnosis information to URL: https://paste.armbian.com/aciwalafah There was a problem also in Armbian 22.11 system. I upgraded it after found information about some solution for i2c probem with similar error messages. Please advise. Thanks.
  8. Maybe this helps. After I sent previous message, I connected the display to Windows computer and then back to Orange (turned off) and restarted it. This time the resolution is correct. Can it be hardware problem with HDMI connector?
  9. Hello, I did fresh installation, but the problem happened immediately. The file is uploaded to http://ix.io/4fXI URL. I know that the display works correctly, when attached to Windows computer.
  10. Hello, thank you for quick response. Unfortunately, I already burned fresh image. As soon as it happens again, I will collect the required details and attach here.
  11. Hello, fresh installed Armbian desktop OS detects attached HDMI display as full HD with correct resolution 1920x1080. But after some restarts it loads in u-boot with correct resolution and then, on kernel startup switches to 1024x768 and also desktop opens with this resolution without an option to increase it. The armbianEnv.txt file in /boot folder contains string disp_mode=1920x1080p60 and was not changed. Please advise.
  12. Hello, just discovered ability to support legacy USB gadgets. There is UDC called max3420_udc and also gadgetfs module. By using startup script mkdir /dev/gadget modprobe max3420_udc modprobe gadgetfs mount -t gadgetfs none /dev/gadget it appears to be possible to use old gadget developed for kernel 3.4. It was descibed once in the link https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1759-usb-gadget-built-for-h3-processor-on-top-of-gadgetfs/ just line else if (stat(DEVNAME = "sunxi_usb_udc", &statb) == 0) { should be replaced by line else if (stat(DEVNAME = "musb-hdrc", &statb) == 0) { Hope this helps. Just curious, where would it be possible to find any information (in Armbian documentation) about that?
  13. Hi, please review and let me know, if there is a better way to create custom USB gadget.. The libusbgx library (https://github.com/linux-usb-gadgets/libusbgx) and examples were used. After compilation, there was a problem to run example. First of all, there was no usb_gadget in /sys/kernel/config folder. It appeared after calling this sequence # to create usb_gadget folder modprobe g_ether # not required rmmod g_ether The next commands prepare libusbgx environment, as per its README file. umount /sys/kernel/config #this removed error in the next comand mount -t configfs non /sys/kernel/config After that it was possible to run libusbgx examples. In order to run more than one example, their name should be different.
  14. The g_ether works correctly also in standard console image.
  15. I think i created the problem by attempt to customize the kernel configuration. Using the custom image I was not able to load module g_ether, got error about UDC problem. But if I load the module in standard Armbian desktop system, there is no problem. I will try now the standard console system and check, if the problem appears there. Will update later.
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