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Everything posted by fabiobassa

  1. @Enzo Esteban can you check with great precision the stamp on the cpu ? In second image To me it seems a 3328 ......... and not a 3228 . Great difference my friend !!!!!!!!!!!! If it is really a 3328 you are simply doing ALL WRONG . They are totally different cpu's and totally different drivers The 3328 is a 64 bit aarch64 architecture The 3228 is a 32 bit armhf architecture BTW if you are in Brasil, try to contact this people . Basing on our early study they did a distro fitting on these cheap tvboxes https://github.com/educabox/educabox/tree/main
  2. @Enzo Esteban unfortunately ssv6051 and ssv6256 present themself as "South Silicon Valley 6051/6256p device ID: 3030:3030" if you have ssv6256 it will not work is a 5ghz wifi tvbox? can u supply some high resolution board photo ?
  3. @Joshua allen asking for private chat to solve personal issues is the most unappropriate way to act in a public forum. For several reasons: 1) your problem could be the same problem for other people sharing your issues, so solving for you could be solving for many 2) this is an hobby for us and not job. Job is paid, hobby is for free. if you need help for your personal issue you can give an advice asking for paid help 3)this really is the worst approach to an open community of people that friendly and mutual try to help each others that said.... would you share what is your problem, since you already asked for help ( private help..) in another post ? describe what is working, what not, attach procedures and photos of board , explain your moves and results We will try to give you a helpful hand.
  4. @toro2077 If I remember well, and you can confirm by yourself scrolling in older posts, thiw wifi will never ever work since there aren't any driver avaible for this ( infamous) chip s9012p
  5. @Tavares R https://users.armbian.com/jock/web/rk322x/multitool/
  6. @Obmor Welcome in the fantastic world of cheap tvboxes 🤪 post scriptum: it happens time to time with mouse, too
  7. @Obmor the ssv6051 is one of the best supported chip we studied. but since some conflicts with 8723as/bs/cs chip it is blacklisted is strange because armbian-config should solve the question and give you wifi try again with armbian-config and select ssv6051 or dig into modules blacklist and comment out ssv6051 ko wil pm you for additional infos on your project since is a thread not concerning this forum
  8. @Obmor If working with librelec " should " work with armbian too. Have checked: Kernel version of both Lsmod on both and check differences Only after you can try swap dtb P.s. which USB gpio adapter are you using? Can you share link
  9. @Obmor post scriptum if you have skills and have a usb/ttl converter well is would be usefull have a log from uart
  10. @Obmor you are very welcome to ask, study and contribute I doubt dtb will work out of box but surely is a good starting point rlt ( realtek ) usually have a good support, you can try to see if, once you have the headers of your kernel, you can compile it by yourself
  11. @galenzhao @zzc @Obmor following what @jock already said let me add this: we are speaking of tvboxes of value ranging from 10 dollars to 15 in worst case and it is a little miracle all the pieces of the puzzle are fitting to get the whole picture. And china producer are building new and new and new boards every week, different from the previous in one bit in dtb perhaps and not working as espected Maintain and develop all is simply impossible mainly for lack of time ( this is done for pleasure not for work... ) but also for lacking of hardware ( how can we test functionality if we don't own PHISICALLY the board ??? ) So in case is fundamental achieve new functionality, feel free to donate boards to me or @jock for further investigations Thanks for understanding, cheers
  12. @Vladimir Trondin Thank you for such detailled Infos, photos and logs I doubt sv6158 Will ever work due lack of driver 's sources but sure @jock Will answer about it
  13. @Parth maybe is easier if you tell us what are your goal, for what purposes you want use this box Don't forget the overall total cpu power and amount of ram, we are speaking of a 12 dollars soc. What do you want from this box ?
  14. @Parth Even 3128 is working quite well with linux just compile kernel with appropriate config and appropriate cpu platform Regarding the garbage on uart, remember the uart speed is unusual ( 1500000 NOT 115200 ) until it starts modified uboot that is 115200 so you have to take care of this note I am the one in this project that discovered the uart pins on mostly of 322x boards and I can give for sure that if garbage comes out is: wrong pin wrong speed lack of ground On the software - firmware side can give you answers @jock @RaptorSDS and all the friends athat daily work on those boards
  15. @hfrts hello First of all and following the @jock's answer and the general rule of thumb of this 3ad I suggest post some photos of board and even better uart logs for every board. Second are well known general problems with inside wifi chips Third when you say " performance is very limited....." are you referring to wifi performance or overall performance of the box? Performance of wifi is limited to 24/26 mbs since the internal chip often is just one chain tx/rx sock ( maximum is 54 but this speed is avaible on double chain socks ) If " performance is very limited....." is referred to overall performance of the box, well try consider its hardware specs and what is the purpose you use the box for @jock... "they are dirty cheap hardware..." .........that costed to you, me and all other friends hundred of sleepless nights LOL 😅
  16. @bellad 6200 Is not 6051 neither 6052 or other Is Just 6200 !!! And even It loads ssv6051 module, the 6200 chip Is unsupported as @jock already said
  17. @GSAR Are you sure the Quick up-down of Power didnt damage phisically the USB subsystem ?
  18. @Blyato this is the other coin side of cheap tvboxes : devilish behaviour is just around the corner. If someone wants reasonable functions one must buy sbc well supported. That said unfortunately without original stock firmware, device tree or better the whole board in hands is quite impossible to guess what is going on Try to search on google or ask vendor for the stock firmware
  19. @Blyato take photos with good resolution with and without shield please
  20. @Hqnicolas no It Is NOT unexpected if you ONLY had read the whole topic It Is clearly exposed since the night of ages that nand works ONLY on legacy kernel. About compiling the new 22.04, you cloned rockchip64-legacy. Are you sure It would also work in 32 bit environment armhf such as rk322x?
  21. @primoitt thanks for those Infos, even if not strictly hardware related , they are usefull for building new distros Could be also interesting open a specific thread related ti repositories issues and leave this for hardware specific
  22. @suser your avatar is a smith cart about impedence, I suppose.. Italian HAM here This make me think that you have the right approach to problem : WHY IS NOT WORKING !!! And not the simple " ok it will work in othe manner" but " what hell is going now" This is the spirit that animated @jock @ilmich and myself when we approached to rk322x world Unfortunately lack of documentation = trial and errors and understand code and compilation !! And again unsuccess and again trial and errors. Even actually the evil nand driver is ONLY proprietary, even if jock and ilmich actively searching for months a workaround Welcome in the club 😅
  23. @suser 8723 are pain in the a** On other boards we have had even 8723cs but ONLY working with 8723bs driver. And many other strange combinations My suggestion : IF wifi strictly needed buy a few dollars external USB wifi dongle. ask here which are the best supported
  24. @R Tech Definetly not Easy tò answer what Is going wrong with no booting without any support from uart ( USB/ttl adapter). Let see if somebody else has experienced trouble with this board like your, very recent board Btw It has ecmp chip
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