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Everything posted by Dandaman46

  1. Has anyone had success turning off the wifi chip completely from user space? I would like to turn it off for periods of time then turn it back on. I've tried figuring the GPIO pin, but of course it can't be exported as it's in use. I'm thinking of creating a device overlay to give me manual control of the pin.
  2. @Igor I'll have a look through that thanks! I'll report back my findings if they are substaintial. To anyone finding this thread in future feel free to leave your comments.
  3. Hello, Do you guys have some tips on reducing power consumption to an absolute minimum? I've made some progress and reduced it to about 500mW on idle. with some CPUs shut off. I would like to get it lower for battery saving. I'm currently building a custom image with as much of the functions I don't need (SPI, i2c, bluetooth etc) turned off hoping that I will get some more power savings. Not sure if this will make a difference yet. Ideas would be appreciated!
  4. Hmmmmm interesting. You are using ads7846 right? I'ved Confirmed the Linux 5.15.93-sunxi works, and the latest doesn't. If we could work backwards to different version of the kernel we might be able to find the offending code change.
  5. I haven't been able to get it working on the nanopi neo air yet.
  6. Thank you for the invite. That's 2AM on a Sunday down here in Australia so I wont make it sorry. Nanopi Neo Air is working well on the last build, no hardware-specific issues to report. It would be nice to see the device move out of the community support category at some point, as it is a very capable and increasingly affordable device.
  7. until

    Thank you for the invite. That's 2AM on a Sunday down here in Australia so I wont make it sorry. Nanopi Neo Air is working well on the last build, no hardware-specific issues to report. It would be nice to see the device move out of the community support category at some point, as it is a very capable and increasingly affordable device.
  8. The only notable difference I could see was this line from dmesg Not working 6.6.12 ads7846 spi0.1: touchscreen, irq 80 5.15.63 working ads7846 spi0.1: touchscreen, irq 113 Perhaps there is a mapping issue going on.
  9. Thanks for sharing your journey. I've got to the exact same spot with the new kernel. SPI ADS7846 device connected and recognized with evtest, just no interrupt is trigger when pressing the screen. I am using a custom build of 6.6.12-current-sunxi. with all else being identical to my previous working build of 5.15.63. I compared the the output of gpioinfo and all the gpio connections seem to be configred correctly. root@nanopiair:~# evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: ADS7846 Touchscreen Select the device event number [0-0]: 0 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x1c vendor 0x0 product 0x1ea6 version 0x0 Input device name: "ADS7846 Touchscreen" Supported events: Event type 0 (EV_SYN) Event type 1 (EV_KEY) Event code 330 (BTN_TOUCH) Event type 3 (EV_ABS) Event code 0 (ABS_X) Value 0 Min 100 Max 4095 Event code 1 (ABS_Y) Value 0 Min 100 Max 4095 Event code 24 (ABS_PRESSURE) Value 0 Min 0 Max 4095 Properties: Testing ... (interrupt to exit) ..... more crickets Perhaps an update in the kernel has broken something? Any tips would be great I've been stuck for a while on this one!
  10. The build system is in a bit of flux at the moment. The documentation hasn't caught up all the way. Can you use the docker build process instead? Ensure you have docker installed, download the git repo and run the following. ./compile.sh build BOARD=nanopiair BRANCH=current BUILD_MINIMAL=no KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no RELEASE=bookworm
  11. Are you using nmcli to create your access point? If not, what is your process for setting up the access point?
  12. Is this still the case with the debian build?
  13. Thanks for the clarification!
  14. The release blog for Suni mentioned Fast and Safe Updates Is this referring to the streamlining of the apt-get or apt packages, or is there a new update to be used? I looked through the release notes and other sources and couldn't find anything. https://www.armbian.com/newsflash/armbian-23-05-suni/ Fast and Safe Updates: Our streamlined system allows for fast and safe updates, ensuring that users can easily stay up to date with the latest improvements and security patches.
  15. Just bumping this, delighted to see boot splash start working after an apt-get update, would like to change the image though, any advice anyone?
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