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    Pine A64 with 5 MP camera

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  1. A solution for the headphone issue is at Can you reproduce the fix? Are you willing to help me getting a PR together for this?
  2. Also these differences? LTS has R18 processor instead of A64 and LTS doesn't have microSD card slot installed. Also the power connector looks different, is it USB-C? Having a list of several differences which are easy to check will be handy for our documentation.
  3. Yes, RasPi Check can be used with Armbian, see https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5095
  4. IP address is now written correctly and I will leave the temp as is.
  5. I have more than 20 PINE64 boards. Only a few are 1 GB and 512 MB but they run the same image as I run on the 2 GB. So I guess these are all non-LTS. How can I recognize on the PCB if it is LTS or not? I'm willing to buy an LTS board and consider supporting it, if that also welcomed by the core maintainers.
  6. Thanks for Armbian, please keep the support for PINE64.
  7. With this app you can see uptime, load, temperature, etc. and give a restart command. All without having to do manual SSH on smartphone.
  8. To monitor and restart boards, we could use the FOSS Android app RasPi Check. However, Armbian needs to reply to all requests from the app (with a valid or dummy value). I looked into it a while back. Perhaps there are more people interested in it from the Armbian community. Let me know if you want to work on this too.
  9. Note to self to create PR later on, see https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/packages/bsp/common/etc/update-motd.d/30-armbian-sysinfo
  10. Found the root cause and is not an issue for Armbian but my own post install script, Sorry for that. This topic can be marked as closed.
  11. Is this still as issue? Ubuntu meanwhile offers f3 version 7, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f3
  12. Is this still an issue? Have you tried with Ubuntu? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mongodb
  13. More proper writing would be 'CPU temperature' and 'IP-address'.
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