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Mr Finch

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  1. Hello, sorry to bother. I'm using the current (most up to date) Jammy image, and it seems to be working fine, or mostly fine. Then I found this thread, so I assume there's something not available by default, then I try to install media-buster-legacy-xxxxxx as instructed here but... Nothing is found, not the full name, nor the partial name (without tinkerboard or rkxxxx) Then I go to search a "legacy desktop" to install this... but I can't find it either. ¿what am I missing/missunderstanding? Is the current jammy image already available with this framework or an alternative? There's no more legacy desktop? Should I enable something on apt sources? Now, finally found legacy images... but... I already tried (bullseye) but it comes without desktop and when to install it will not have utils, config elements/panels, not auto start x, no auto login, nothing... And i'm seeing this images are 600MB so no desktop either by default either... ¿Whill this be the same as Bullseye? I have no issue when installing debian almost from scratch, all my work computers and servers are with it, but x86-64 has loads of support and stuff and almost everything installs with no hassle.. I already have an S912 TVBox working with Bullseye and It all came without any issues (after I learn how to config the install SD for my box) I found it difficult just now on this version and board. (Renegade) Thanks for your time.
  2. I'm using Bullseye and works like a charm. It only outputs 1080p, maybe your screen can't handle it.
  3. Would love to have another USB port. I've been reading about the CPU/SoC and it seems to have another USB available. (OTG) I tound the pins inside, but it seems it does not work or needs who knows what to enable it. Been unable to use a even a mouse on it. (need more hard drives!!!)
  4. Also been using mouse and keyboard connected to a USB docking bay with another 2 USB ports + internal HD and DVD when something needs to be done without network connected or whenever there's no x-server working yet. (reboots, recovery and stuff) Until now I've been able to use up to 3 hard drives connected, one at side TVBox USB, one inside USB-multi-bay and one on usb-multi-bay USB port. Got 30MB/s from a USB3 HD case connected to multi-bay Quite the thing... Been waiting to get a DVD-to-HD bay in order to put another HD on the multi-bay so I could free another USB port. (maybe to connect more hard drives ) Thinking on some other "multidisk" solutions be it multi disk bays or usb switches for single disk bays......
  5. Currently copying files from disk to disk (USB) around 2TB already done. Had to take several services down to make CPU be as cold as possible. 80 degrees and it's thermal throtling like a b... But files being copied around 10 to 15 MB/s, otherwise would reach around 30MB/s (USB2USB)
  6. TV Box Name (example: TX3 mini): Sunvell T95RPro (Identified as Tronsmart Vega S96 by some software / same specs) CPU (example: amlogic s905w): S912 Armbian build file name: Can't remember, last supported one from Balbes150 DTB file used: meson-gxm-vega-s96.dtb (tested several others working, can't remember which, only this with HDMI audio, none with bluetooth, some with WiFi but HDMI Audio is more important for me.) Kernel Version: 5.9.0-arm-64 Distribution Installed (focal, buster, etc): Bullseye Working Ethernet (Yes/No): Yes Max Ethernet Speed that works (100/1000): Tested speed well over 300mbps, not sure if it reaches 1000mbps since don't have any drive to uphold that over USB. Does wifi work (Yes/No): Wifi is disabled, can't enable it whatsoever. Does bluetooth work (Yes/No): No, couldn't manage to make it work at all. Does HDMI audio work (Yes/No): Yes, flawlessly. (not in every tested .dtb files) Additional Comments (provide any additional information you feel is important): Using a Kingston 32GB uSD Card as primary drive. Not installed to internal yet, nor very convinced to even try it. Standard USB hard drive bays would not work by just plugging in once the BOX booted on Armbian. (even those that work normally under "factory" Android) Some just won't be recognized, but some will make BOX to freeze. In order to overcome this, I had to plug them BEFORE turning the BOX on. On some instances I would use an USB-multi-bay with it's own power source that can be turned on and off at will and the BOX will not go bananas. This box will allow me to plug several hard disks at will be it internal or in any of it's 2 USB ports. I'm using it as a normal desktop, but also running: nginx mariadb(mysql) server a test java website. (quite heavy) and samba server. (primarily is my NAS) Mostly to fiddle around instead of be messing with the actual servers at production. (Around 700MB RAM required as base.) Desktop is accessed using VNC and SSH to fiddle with servers. Made a hole above CPU heatsink to allow heat go out, otherwise mostly all the time would be around 80 degrees, thermaly throtling and making my life misserable. Around 70 to 60 degrees and it will be handlong as any normal desktop. Planning to add a small fan, just need to find somewhere to connect it in the BOX. Desktop.
  7. I have it finally working as a media/download center/server (torrent) It seems to work even better than the old Atom netbook I had on until yesterday. I wan to apologise to @SteeMan and @TRS-80 since I went bananas on them but it was all a confusion from my part. I'm sorry. I'm tired to get into projects that promise a lot but once in you find nothing is as supposed (that's been almost all open stuff for the last 10 years almost) and this seeemed the case, while it was'nt, anyway I have to blame the forum (software) because is not completely clear on how it manages sections and threads. (or maybe I'm too used to old/vintage forum's ways) but I'm not even being able to easily find my own threads and messages. And that's for the same reason I confused all threads about my s912 (@balbes150) in the first place, they all seemed the same but were not. (language helped a lot because I'm not english speaker) Thanks to everyone.
  8. Get this image: Armbian_20.10_Arm-64_bullseye_current_5.9.0_desktop.img from @balbes150 thread/drives and you will be running in no time. (unless you have lots of files and start confounding them as I did) Ubuntu is a bit harder on hardware/slower than debian, I ended up reburning the flash card and started debian. In the low end they are the same, Ubuntu is just some flavor, color and sprinkles over the hood. Now, I used the match technique.... (like the toothpick but without a sharp end) and after rebooting I found out that I don't need it, put the card and it starts on it own from it. Take it out and it will boot from internal. What you do need is to choose the right dtb file on extlinux.conf, it has already some disabled, but it has a lot that are not on the file and maybe "yours" is one of them. One of the things I faced at boot time, was getting stuck, hang, reboot, etc... when choosing the wrong file. Also pay special attention on extlinux files since one not disabled line will make you suffer. Read everything twice... or more.
  9. Finally got it, @SteeMan was right, packages have the files inside. I may have got stuff scrambled (in my head and hard drive) after reading and following links and instructions from several threads from the same author.
  10. If info. is there and noone supports it nor delete it, info. is still there... and there's no support. But info. was wrong in the fist place.... That's the thing. (even tho it was not wrong but scrambled and confuse)
  11. I'm sorry if my comment offended someone, but it seemed like if someone were trying to make fun of me in the first place. Obviously he doesn't need to guess, or even realize that I may be someone at least a bit intelligent but I spent so much time fighting with this thing that my mind was in the wrong place. Also, having to read, think and answer to several people makes me get confused and translate some feelings from one chat to another to make things worse.
  12. That's odd... I'm re-downloading all packages since I deleted everything to save some space.
  13. It seems you need to get packages prior October 11, but I couldn't with those either.
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