From my wishlist:
Wake on Lan - yep, I know that Helios64 supports WOL, but practically it is still not working
a properly wired 2.5 GB connector - yep, I know, but it is frustrating anyways, especially due to the warranty handling of kobol (send it back on your risk, wait 2 month, send a replacement back, wait another 2 month, hope it works)
standard SATA connectors - my ZFS fails rather often due to checksum errors, this seems to be related to bad cables. With the shipped non-standard cables, this is however hard to solve. If the enclose / board had standard connectors, I could simply use one of the 1000 cables laying around here.
more RAM - or support for standard ram modules
and yes, the sliders for the disks need a redesign, too (color is cool, but they are rather "cheap" and you need a lot of power to push them in / pull them out)
The problem here is that it‘s not possible to compile the module on Debian because of how the kernel has been built.
I reported the issue here and while I could *fix* it, it really strikes me as something the core armbian team needs to weigh in on.
One option is to use an older GCC in the build system, the other is to disable per task stack protections in the kernel - neither seem like great choices to me.